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any quick way to know what version of kubuntu one is running

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    any quick way to know what version of kubuntu one is running

    many grades of kubuntu, I think I am still on feisty but it could be gutsy, two questions then, is there a way to quickly know what grade one is running, and would it but a bad idea in future to have the grades marked somewhere on startup or post. thanks
    every day is a gift

    Re: any quick way to know what version of kubuntu one is running

    Open Konsole (Terminal Program) and input:
    cat /etc/issue
    "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
    "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


      Re: any quick way to know what version of kubuntu one is running

      In the konsole:

      :~$ uname -a
      Linux Ammu2500L 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Dec 18 08:02:57 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
      :~$ lsb_release -a
      No LSB modules are available.
      Distributor ID: Ubuntu
      Description:  Ubuntu 7.10
      Release:    7.10
      Codename:    gutsy
      KDE version:
      Start KDE program (kate) > Help > About KDE ...

      man uname:
      UNAME(1) User Commands UNAME(1)

      uname - print system information

      uname [OPTION]...

      Print certain system information. With no OPTION, same as -s.

      -a, --all
      print all information, in the following order, except omit -p
      and -i if unknown:

      -s, --kernel-name
      print the kernel name

      -n, --nodename
      print the network node hostname

      -r, --kernel-release
      print the kernel release
      man lsb_release:
      lsb_release(1) lsb_release(1)

      lsb_release - print distribution-specific information

      lsb_release [options]

      The lsb_release command provides certain LSB (Linux Standard Base) and
      distribution-specific information.

      If no options are given, the -v option is assumed.

      The program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long
      options starting with two dashes (‘--’). A summary of options are
      included below...
      Before you edit, BACKUP !

      Why there are dead links ?
      1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
      2. Thread: Lost Information


        Re: any quick way to know what version of kubuntu one is running

        Originally posted by fleamailman
        ...would it but a bad idea in future to have the grades marked somewhere on startup or post. thanks
        No, it wouldn't be a bad idea to pull the fields from Rog's post and put them into the boot line descriptions in grub's menu.lst (/boot/grub/menu.lst). I have thought the same thing. I usually edit that file by hand to make it a bit more user friendly. However, I am the only user on my machines and I have never wondered which version I am using.


          Re: any quick way to know what version of kubuntu one is running

          thanks, I guess it matters only when one is upgrading a grade or two, then it is good to know if one has arrived or not I had edgy to begin with and hope I am at gutsy now
          every day is a gift

