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Faulty installation?

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    Faulty installation?


    I tried installing Kubuntu yesterday from a burned live-dvd. At first, I chose "Start or install Kubuntu" and tried the installation from the desktop. The moment I clicked "Install", my computor died, restarting. I figured, maybe that's what it's supposed to do. But after just a couple of seconds, it died again, restarting. Then again and again. I had to turn off the power and, I don't know what it's called in english, but changing the little pin in the back of the harddrive, making my other harddrive the primary to even be able to enter setup and change "firstboot device" to harddrive.

    This happened a couple of times, so I let it go. Instead, I clicked "OEM install (for manufacturers)". This time I could install it. I seemed to be working too. The problem now is, the password I set doesn't work. I am completely sure I set the right password. But I can't login.

    What can I do?

    Thank you for any help!

    Best regards,

    Re: Faulty installation?

    password=oem OR [blank]

    OEM installation is not complete until you open a terminal and input:
    sudo oem-config-prepare
    Then you will be asked some questions including new username and new password
    "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
    "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


      Re: Faulty installation?

      Originally posted by arochester
      password=oem OR [blank]

      OEM installation is not complete until you open a terminal and input:
      sudo oem-config-prepare
      Then you will be asked some questions including new username and new password
      Thank you!! Gonna try it =)

      EDIT: didn't work... I was prompet like "What's your time zone?" and "Who are you?" before my installation was complete and I can choose my user from the list at the login screen. Did I f**k up something..?


        Re: Faulty installation?

        But from what you say IT WAS WORKING!

        Then you will be asked some questions including new username and new password
        Some questions. Some questions.

        It gets you to give a new username (which is added to the users) and new password. It removes oem as a username and password.
        "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
        "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


          Re: Faulty installation?

          Originally posted by arochester
          t gets you to give a new username (which is added to the users) and new password. It removes oem as a username and password.
          Yeah, I know. But the password I set didn't work. Anyways, I got it working now, and this is what I can give others with the problem:

          After you make an OEM-installation (don't if the regular works), do NOT use the "Prepare for shipping" icon on the desktop, instead, open Konsole and write "sudo oem-config-prepare". It will say that the config will run the next time you reboot.

          Reboot, fill in the form, and it should work.

          Thanks for the help arochester =)


