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Add Remove Programs

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    Add Remove Programs

    I am trying to add Firefox to Kubuntu but when I go into Add or Remove Programs Firefox is gray, (just like alot of other programs) how do i add firefox and how can i get to where I can access the gray programs?

    Re: Add Remove Programs

    WELCOME, to your new OS!

    OK, first lesson: "Add / Remove Programs" is not the best, or the second best way to install a new package. In your Kmenu>System directory is "Adept Manager" which is the Adept Package Manager. That's the one you want.

    However, first it is important that you remove the "CD ROM" as a repository, if you don't want to have to grab it and put it in the CD/DVD drive every time you open Adept Manager. So, in Adept, the "Adept" menu item has "manage repositories" and under the applicable tab you will find the CD ROM listed. You want to mark that with an "x" and click "Remove".

    Now, scroll down the list of packages, or put "Firefox" in the search window, and when you see that package, put an "x" in the checkbox, then click "Apply" on the top menu, and it will be installed.

    Let us know if you need further assistance.


      Re: Add Remove Programs

      Thanks so much!!


        Re: Add Remove Programs

        Im having the same issue with add and remove programs, I went to Adept Manager to install it like said but i type in Firefox and it comes up with Mozilla Firefox English language/region package and says that it is installed. Im new to Linux and have Gusty on a T61 thinkpad.

        i would greatly appreciate any help!


          Re: Add Remove Programs

          Hi there,

          maybe it's not the right package you are looking at - as you know ( or are about to find out), sometimes when you search in adept it finds several packages with very similar names - however, you have to find the one that is the program and not other applications or whatever ( please excuse my terminology). So, make sure you check the description ( it should say something like Mozilla Firefox....web browser or client).

          I break it, therefore I learn it.<br />


            Re: Add Remove Programs

            Mine says "Firefox" -- it is actually a meta-package -- it brings in a few friends when you mark it for installation.

            @dren, it is possible that there's some problem with your sources. In Adept Manager, click "Adept" and "Manage Repositories". On the first tab which is "Kubuntu Software", for typical desktop/laptop PC users, you should have the top 4 items marked with an "X".


              Re: Add Remove Programs

              Thanks dibl, you were correct. The 4 items were not marked with an "x" for some reason, i guess when you install it just comes default not checked. I see all of the firefox options now, thank you again.

