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Cant write to hard drive

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    Re: Cant write to hard drive

    [mntent]: line 5 in /etc/fstab is bad

    That's a pretty clear error.

    In the Konsole window, do
    sudo cat /etc/fstab
    and paste the entire output here. Maybe I'll be able to figure out which is Line 5.


      Re: Cant write to hard drive

      Here it is..May be i didnt copy and paste the right info...

      deepax@Base-Station:~$ sudo cat /etc/fstab
      [sudo] password for deepax:

      proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
      UUID=c5e2e17f-e468-4584-a783-5aedb32c7526 / ext3 relatime,errors=remount-ro 0 1
      UUID=60c62745-3d9c-490b-922f-ce67275a9774 none swap sw 0 0
      /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 00
      /dev/sda1 UUID=303a5475-a5e1-4f15-b451-7473c37ffa7d /media/storage ext3 auto,users,rw,exec,noatime 0 2

      What do you think?


        Re: Cant write to hard drive

        Originally posted by k_deepax
        Here it is..May be i didnt copy and paste the right info...

        deepax@Base-Station:~$ sudo cat /etc/fstab
        [sudo] password for deepax:

        proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
        UUID=c5e2e17f-e468-4584-a783-5aedb32c7526 / ext3 relatime,errors=remount-ro 0 1
        UUID=60c62745-3d9c-490b-922f-ce67275a9774 none swap sw 0 0
        /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 00
        /dev/sda1 UUID=303a5475-a5e1-4f15-b451-7473c37ffa7d /media/storage ext3 auto,users,rw,exec,noatime 0 2

        What do you think?
        Right. Delete the red stuff, so the line begins "UUID=...", similar to the first two mount lines.


          Re: Cant write to hard drive

          Sorry for the delay, i was busy over the weekend. Ok that didnt work. I can see the HD on my places. But can't read or write to it. I see a folder named lost+found. Not sure how that got created. I can see the size and free space info in the bottom right corner in Dolphin.

          Any thoughts?


            Re: Cant write to hard drive

            Yeah. It looks like it is mounted, and there's a filesystem there (including "Lost + Found"), but the user (aka you) do not have write permission on the device.

            So, what I normally do is (as root or "sudo"), make a folder on the drive, and give myself rw permission in it. Let's say you want to save images there.

            sudo mkdir /media/storage/IMAGES
            That makes the folder, but it is still root-only permissions. Being Linux, there are probably at least 3 ways to set the permissions the way you want them. Probably the simplest is to stay in the same Konsole window and issue

            sudo chown deepax /media/storage/IMAGES
            (assuming your user is "deepax")

            Another way, if you are of the GUI persuasion, is to Alt-F2 "kdesudo dolphin" which will open Dolphin in super-user mode. BE CAREFUL -- don't touch anything in your user's folder while doing this! Browse to /media/storage and right-click the "IMAGES" folder. Choose the "Permissions" tab, and change the owner to deepax, and also click the "apply to subdirectories and files" checkbox, and then "Apply".

            Either of those methods should do the trick.

            p.s. While it is considered "poor form" to set permissions on "devices", such as /dev/sda, the reality is that on a single user computer it doesn't much matter. But for the record, "root" is supposed to own all permanent devices, which is why we go to the mount point and give the user permission to the folder that he needs.


              Re: Cant write to hard drive

              IT WORKED IT WORKED. You are GENIUS!! How do you know so much in Kubuntu? Is this your hobby? Man i'm not sure how to thank you. But i dont know how, If you have a charity or a organization you would like me to donate something PLEASE let me know.

              You as a stranger have helped me get this HD running and i want to show my appreciation. Dont know how else to thank you, but to say THANKS A TON!!

