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Trying Kubuntu again

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    Trying Kubuntu again


    3 years ago I tried to get free of Windows XP on my Toshiba Satellite A60. I succeeded on having it 6 months, but unfortunately, among other problems, I had to develop a project that required full MS Office functionality, and back then, I did not find stable software that emulated office on Kubuntu (not even commercial software), so mainly because of this, I switched to WinXp (sadly).

    Now, 3 years later, with the same hardware (60GB HD, 730 MB RAM) I prepared a 30 MB partition for Kubuntu 7.10. I was happy to see several improvements in the installation process. On my first try (2005), honestly I had to do a bunch of things on the console and "vi" to have things more or less running. Now I'm happy to see that calls to the console are much less necessary. I really fell well to come back and I hope to stay longer with Kubuntu; I just like KDE and Ubuntu as distro. Yet, I wanted to share with you some problems I still have in my present experience; as I said, less than 3 years ago, but still a few; I want to ask your help on the following points, for which some of them I have googled and searched on this forum, and for others, honestly, I have not... and I didn't want to open a different thread for each one of them, so please forgive me if I repeat problems already posted; be patience with this man that wants to be happy with Kubuntu again:

    1- On the booth process, the screen is completely black; no process indicator not even those ASCII lists eith messages that Linux usually shows when loading itself. The Installation CD showed a nice splash screen indicating load process. Not after I installed it.

    2- For booth, it takes 2:52 long minutes to show the login screen; and then, load the rest of KDE: total, 3:20 minutes.... that is to long for me... WinXP would take no more than 1:15 mins or so to load.

    3- Yesterday I finally got Firefox to play videos in the Spanish BBC site (that I daily review) (one of the times I had to go to the console under root to move some plug ins from the mozilla directory, to the firefox directory). And for some wired reason, today the video on the same web site, just don't work. On the video area, it appears the banner of MPLayer, it indicates loading... and then it shows "stopped"; I try again, and nothing. I just now had to reboot the system because when I tried several times, all the system crashed: the hard disk kept running and everything went too slow, as if the memory was being exhausted.
    I don have problems with flash based videos like in YouTube.

    4- DVD movies does not work: I load a DVD with data, and even avi videos and have no problem with that. But when I load a DVD with and actual DVD movie format, does not work. I have seen several posts with this problem; I still have to try some of the solutions suggested. KPlayer shows the black windows with no message at all. Kaffeine shows 2 errors (translated from spanish):
    - Xine Error: no complement has been found to handle this resource: dvd:///dev/scd0
    - Xine Error: source can not be read: you may not have access permissions to read the source.

    I have tried several DVDs, that are normally read in WinXP or a DVD player. One thing I noticed is that the small green arrow head at the bottom right of the device icon, does not appear; I think that indicates is not mounted correctly? yet I have normal access to tje DVD files contents, and when I want to play one of the VOB files...a couple of windows seem to flash... and then nothing happens.

    5- For aMule, when I tried to get the list of available servers, the program crashed.

    Well... so far these have been my problems, after 3 days of playing with Kubuntu. Even with those, so far I have not needed to boot the WinXP partition... (for home use).

    I appreciate very much your help in advance; I like to recommend Kubuntu to many people that does not even know of the existence of Linux... Congratulations to Canonical, to the Ubuntu/Kubuntu community around the World for this effort


    Re: Trying Kubuntu again

    To answer #4:
    You need to install the libdvdcss2 package. The recommended way to do this is to visit and follow the instructions to add the repository then simply run
    sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2
    This will enable you to play DVD's

    As a work around for question #3:
    I installed the VLC player and then the Firefox extension MediaPlayerConnectivity 0.8.3
    What MediaPlayerConnectivity does is add a play button in place of embedded media and when clicked it will attempt to load the video in an external player (eg VLC, Mplayer) its configurable and has a nifty sidebar that can show all embedded media on the viewed page.


      Re: Trying Kubuntu again

      Eso de que demora durante el Boot me parece un poco raro, no deberia demorar tanto a menos que Kubuntu este reconociendo algun tipo especial de hardware. Hay algun dispositivo externo conectado a la maquina al arrancarla?

      The delay during boot seems to be a little strange, shouldn't take that long to boot unless Kubuntu is trying ro recognize some kind of special hardware. Is there an external device plugged to the system during the start up of the OS?


      Beware the Almighty Command Line


        Re: Trying Kubuntu again

        Originally posted by alquimista
        1- On the booth process, the screen is completely black; no process indicator not even those ASCII lists eith messages that Linux usually shows when loading itself. The Installation CD showed a nice splash screen indicating load process. Not after I installed it.
        back up your /boot/grub/menu file and remove "quiet" out of the kernel line
        FKA: tanderson


          Re: Trying Kubuntu again

          Hi !

          - Thank you slush1000, your solution worked just fine for videos in sites like BBC, using firefox.
          - For the boot problem, I found this link that solved the problem:

          - For DVD, I executed "sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2", and I got "libdvdcss2 it's in its most recent version" ... (translated from spanish)... So I got the library and I still get the error

          Thank you all for your answers


            Re: Trying Kubuntu again

            Try doing this as well for DVD playback
            sudo apt-get install totem-xine libxine1-ffmpeg libdvdread3
            sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/

