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How do I install downloaded program

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    How do I install downloaded program

    Hi...just installed Kubuntu, and downloaded a program to my do I install it? Thanks in advance!

    Re: How do I install downloaded program

    It depends on what you've downloaded.

    Firstly, it's best to install programs through Adept, because then everything is taken care of for you. Make sure you've enabled all the repositories:

    Secondly, if you can't find what you want in the repositories, but you've found a .deb package, you can right-click it, go to the Package Manager menu and click "Install".

    Thirdly, if you can't find a .deb but you can find an .rpm, you can install a package called "alien" which will convert this to a .deb.

    Last option (if you're new I'd recommend this only as a very last resort) is to download the source. This is not the easiest thing to work with. You'll need to install (through Adept) the package build-essential. Then, if it's a .tar.gz file, copy it to somewhere nice (like /home/YourUserName/programs) and, in a terminal:

    $ gunzip filename.tar.gz
    $ tar -xvf filename.tar
    $ cd directoryname
    $ less README

    Most people leave out that last one. Read the README. And, probably, the INSTALL as well. It really does answer questions like "how do I install this" and "why won't this install".

    $ ./configure

    At this point, almost certainly you will have lots of errors. READ the error message, work out what is wrong - probably a missing package. If so then install that package (make sure it's the -dev version) through Adept. Keep running ./configure until it ends without problems.

    $ make

    You may find more problems here, which may or may not be solved in the same way. If make works without problems:

    $ sudo make install

    As you can see, it's easier to go for the package options.


      Re: How do I install downloaded program

      Sounds really confusing to a newbie like me...the file is clamav-0.88.tar.gz -- if that helps any...just thought I'd mention it before trying to attempt all the other suggestions, which I greatly appreciate...


        Re: How do I install downloaded program

        I agree with JamesM that the OVERWHELMINGLY EASIEST way for a newbie like me and (probably) you is to install clamav using adept. You don't need to add the psychocats repository because clamav is in Universe! Just add universe to your standard repository list and you're good to go.

