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Wired Internet Connection Keeps Dropping, Wireless to Blame?

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    Wired Internet Connection Keeps Dropping, Wireless to Blame?

    I have never noticed this with my wireless connection. I tried to disable it in kcontrol but it always ends up showing as enabled... anyhow, I decided to go lan to try out a Debian stable live CD and left it running on lan ever since. I get these connection drop outs that force me to restart networking e.g., "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"... that temporarily fixes it.

    its becoming a major pain to have to do this several times an hour at worse. Someone in #kubuntu told me to checkout syslog and luckily I did check it in ksyslog because right then the internet connection dropped on me and this is exactly what the log caught right in front of my eyes.

    this is what happened when the connection dropped
    01/17/2008 06:02:07 PM	box	kernel	[424400.205102] wlan0: No ProbeResp from current AP 00:11:95:71:54:a8 - assume out of range
    01/17/2008 06:02:21 PM	box	kernel	[424414.917041] eth1: link down
    01/17/2008 06:02:28 PM	box	kernel	[424421.477058] eth1: link up, 100Mbps, full-duplex, lpa 0x41E1
    01/17/2008 06:02:36 PM	box	kernel	[424429.101554] eth1: link down
    01/17/2008 06:02:37 PM	box	kernel	[424430.797723] eth1: link up, 100Mbps, full-duplex, lpa 0x41E1
    01/17/2008 06:02:39 PM	box	kernel	[424432.133679] wlan0: No STA entry for own AP 00:11:95:71:54:a8
    01/17/2008 06:03:11 PM	box	kernel	[424464.062252] wlan0: No STA entry for own AP 00:11:95:71:54:a8
    this is what happened after running sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
    01/17/2008 06:03:41 PM	box	avahi-daemon[6448]	Interface eth1.IPv4 no longer relevant for mDNS.
    01/17/2008 06:03:41 PM	box	avahi-daemon[6448]	Interface wlan0.IPv4 no longer relevant for mDNS.
    01/17/2008 06:03:41 PM	box	avahi-daemon[6448]	Joining mDNS multicast group on interface eth1.IPv4 with address
    01/17/2008 06:03:41 PM	box	avahi-daemon[6448]	Joining mDNS multicast group on interface wlan0.IPv4 with address
    01/17/2008 06:03:41 PM	box	avahi-daemon[6448]	Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface eth1.IPv4 with address
    01/17/2008 06:03:41 PM	box	avahi-daemon[6448]	Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface wlan0.IPv4 with address
    01/17/2008 06:03:41 PM	box	avahi-daemon[6448]	New relevant interface eth1.IPv4 for mDNS.
    01/17/2008 06:03:41 PM	box	avahi-daemon[6448]	New relevant interface wlan0.IPv4 for mDNS.
    01/17/2008 06:03:41 PM	box	avahi-daemon[6448]	Registering new address record for on wlan0.IPv4.
    01/17/2008 06:03:41 PM	box	avahi-daemon[6448]	Registering new address record for on eth1.IPv4.
    01/17/2008 06:03:41 PM	box	avahi-daemon[6448]	Withdrawing address record for on wlan0.
    01/17/2008 06:03:41 PM	box	avahi-daemon[6448]	Withdrawing address record for on eth1.
    01/17/2008 06:03:41 PM	box	kernel	[424494.522707] wlan0: Initial auth_alg=0
    01/17/2008 06:03:41 PM	box	kernel	[424494.522714] wlan0: authenticate with AP 00:11:95:71:54:a8
    01/17/2008 06:03:41 PM	box	kernel	[424494.524173] wlan0: RX authentication from 00:11:95:71:54:a8 (alg=0 transaction=2 status=0)
    01/17/2008 06:03:41 PM	box	kernel	[424494.524187] wlan0: authenticated
    01/17/2008 06:03:41 PM	box	kernel	[424494.524190] wlan0: associate with AP 00:11:95:71:54:a8
    01/17/2008 06:03:41 PM	box	kernel	[424494.526423] wlan0: RX AssocResp from 00:11:95:71:54:a8 (capab=0x431 status=0 aid=2)
    01/17/2008 06:03:41 PM	box	kernel	[424494.526429] wlan0: associated
    01/17/2008 06:03:41 PM	box	kernel	[424494.796849] eth1: link up, 100Mbps, full-duplex, lpa 0x41E1
    01/17/2008 06:03:42 PM	box	ntpdate[24078]	step time server offset 0.064695 sec
    01/17/2008 06:03:43 PM	box	ntpdate[24033]	step time server offset 0.000063 sec
    eth1 is my wired ethernet connection and wlan0 is my wireless card. when opening up kcontrol > network settings > , I can disable wlan0 till I turn blue in the face but later it'll just show up as enabled anyhow. Perhaps its the cause of this issue and if so, how can I permanently disable it?

    any help is greatly appreciated!

    Re: Wired Internet Connection Keeps Dropping, Wireless to Blame?

    I may have posted this too early. it appears that bug that bit when disabling wlan0 and later coming back finding it enabled seems to be fixed. kcontrol > network settings shows it to be disabled. hopefully it stays that way... if I can run more than a couple days without the connection dropping this would have had to had been the issue. if so, I'll happily apologize


      Re: Wired Internet Connection Keeps Dropping, Wireless to Blame?

      OK, this is probably officially better off being a bug report. I disabled the wireless card in kcontrol *but* a single reboot will re-enable it again... perhaps maybe a restart of X too? not sure and won't try now *but* yeah, I could go blue in the face


        Re: Wired Internet Connection Keeps Dropping, Wireless to Blame?

        You still might want to know if wlan is causing the problem. You could edit /etc/network/interfaces and comment out wlan. Then restart and see if eth continues to drop.


          Re: Wired Internet Connection Keeps Dropping, Wireless to Blame?

          I have this in /etc/network/interfaces
          auto lo
          iface lo inet loopback
          iface wlan0 inet static
          wireless-essid Athena
          wireless-key ****
          auto wlan0
          iface eth1 inet static
          auto eth1
          what would you think I should comment out? If the # is the comment, I would probably do this
          auto lo
          iface lo inet loopback
          #iface wlan0 inet static
          #wireless-essid Athena
          #wireless-key ****
          #auto wlan0
          iface eth1 inet static
          auto eth1
          would this be correct?


            Re: Wired Internet Connection Keeps Dropping, Wireless to Blame?

            Yes. Once you have booted you can do an ifconfig and iwconfig and verify that you have no wlan. Then watch your system and your logs as you have been and see if it still fails. My bet is that your wlan has nothing to do with it, but maybe we will both learn something.


              Re: Wired Internet Connection Keeps Dropping, Wireless to Blame?

              I completely removed those lines from interfaces. I backed up the file but rather than commenting them out, I removed them. Even after disabling wlan0 in kcontrol, it'll be re-enabled after a reboot, restart of x or logging back in after logging out. No matter what I do, wlan0 in kcontrol will only stay disabled during the session in which I disable it.

              Anyhow, I've not had one connection drop at all while it has been disabled. I am going to stop messing with it in kcontrol and just hope it doesn't drop again. here are the results of running iwconfig and ifconfig
              lo    no wireless extensions.
              eth1   no wireless extensions.
              wmaster0 no wireless extensions.
              wlan0  IEEE 802.11g ESSID:""
                   Mode:Managed Frequency:2.437 GHz Access Point: 00:11:95:71:54:A8
                   Retry min limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr=2346 B
                   Link Signal level=-20 dBm
                   Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
                   Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0
              eth1   Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:40:CA:80:F2:E9
                   inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
                   UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1
                   RX packets:164400 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
                   TX packets:121907 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
                   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
                   RX bytes:61681340 (58.8 MB) TX bytes:19888872 (18.9 MB)
                   Interrupt:17 Base address:0x4000
              lo    Link encap:Local Loopback
                   inet addr: Mask:
                   UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
                   RX packets:2708 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
                   TX packets:2708 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
                   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
                   RX bytes:1003093 (979.5 KB) TX bytes:1003093 (979.5 KB)
              wlan0  Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:06:F4:0B:7C:C4
                   UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1
                   RX packets:123665 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
                   TX packets:50933 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
                   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
                   RX bytes:24283136 (23.1 MB) TX bytes:13931360 (13.2 MB)
              wmaster0 Link encap:UNSPEC HWaddr 00-06-F4-0B-7C-C4-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
                   UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1
                   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
                   TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
                   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
                   RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)


                Re: Wired Internet Connection Keeps Dropping, Wireless to Blame?

                Something does not make sense. After you change your interfaces file, you need to either restart networking or reboot. It should not magically reappear.


                  Re: Wired Internet Connection Keeps Dropping, Wireless to Blame?

                  I changed the file, rebooted and though the file is the way I've edited it, it still shows up in kcontrol as enabled and the following commands (iwconfig, ifconfig), still show the same results. not sure what to do to permanently disabled wlan0 (other than remove it completely).

                  any more help is greatly appreciated!


                    Re: Wired Internet Connection Keeps Dropping, Wireless to Blame?

                    You haven't stated whether this is a desktop or laptop PC. If it's a laptop (mine is), do you have a switch for turning on/off the onboard wireless connection? Mine does. If you do as well, turn it off.
                    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                      Re: Wired Internet Connection Keeps Dropping, Wireless to Blame?

                      This issue is on a desktop machine. no switch to turn off the radio. The only recourse so far to permanently disable the wireless card is to physically remove it from the machine

                      Maybe it is disabled and launching kcontrol simply shows it as enabled when maybe it isn't? I removed those lines and though I know launching kcontrol will show it as enabled, I haven't had a drop yet in connection.

                      To be honest, I went through all of this before *but* hopefully removing those lines from interfaces really help in some way. I made a backup so if things start to go bananas, I'll try something else

