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(resolved)Tried to install Kubuntu 7.10

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    (resolved)Tried to install Kubuntu 7.10

    I got stuck at scanning the mirror and it wouldn't do anything. I also cant see more the 52gb of my 320gb hd since the install. It reformatted and now the remainder is not viewable through windows and Kubuntu wont boot up. I had the boot disk working without trouble. The computer appears to sense the internet and says how many packets are sent and received but I couldn't surf when I was in the install. Should I try to reinstall. I am afraid it will hang up on trying to scan the mirror again. It was looking good until the snag with the mirror.


    Re: Tried to install Kubuntu 7.10

    I'm just guessing, but the installation CD probably resized your Windows partition to 52 gigs; that would explain why you can't see the remaining free space on your hard drive. I'm also guessing that since you were trying to surf the net while Kubuntu was installing, that you're using the Live CD. If that's the case, try booting to safe graphics mode and attempt to reinstall to the free space on your hard drive. You may also want to check out the Alternate CD; it's basically just a CLI (Command Line Interface) to the installation GUI (Graphical User Interface) on the Live CD, and allows a much more direct approach to the installation process (i.e. it loads much quicker and is straight-to-the-point).
    Asus G1S-X3:
    Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


      Re: Tried to install Kubuntu 7.10

      Ok got through install and the system runs. It just won't detect the internet. But my internet shows the eth0 as being enabled. I have a wireless card and a wired ethernet card. I am only using the wired one right now. When I am in windows xp I have internet no problem, but in Kubuntu 7.10 I can't seem to connect. I have enabled the cards etc... I also have PeoplePc DSL it is not a USB modem. Any clues on how I can make the system able to use the internet?



        Re: Tried to install Kubuntu 7.10

        If you click the Wired Ethernet Icon in the systray (lower right corner of screen), does it show an IP address in the second tab?

        If so, you will probably need to enter a DNS server in "System Settings > Network Settings > Network Connections > tab Domain Name System".

        If you do not have an IP address, report here and please share with us whether you are using a router between the adsl modem and your computer.
        Once your problem is solved please edit the first post of your topic and add [SOLVED] in front of the subject. In that way, others can benefit from your experience!


          Re: Tried to install Kubuntu 7.10

          actually it shows no active device. But it pinged 3 times when I went to the network tests. I don't know why there is no active device where the eth0 should be. Its kinda greyed out. Even if I go into admin view the 2 Eth0, Eth1 are enabled but when I exit they arent active devices. Oh by the way I do have realtek ethernet card and I did try the enabling of power upon booting in the system devices in windows. Then I shut down and unplugged. No change noted.

          any help I can get would be great.



            Re: Tried to install Kubuntu 7.10

            I got internet. I somehow got all the gateway and subnet mask info in. It still isn't detecting all the device in the network but somehow it gives me internet. I am posting my first post using Kubuntu now!



              Re: (resolved)Tried to install Kubuntu 7.10

              Asus G1S-X3:
              Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )

