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Problem creating a win2000 guest in Virtualbox

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    Problem creating a win2000 guest in Virtualbox

    I am on Kubuntu Feisty as host and trying to use my win2000 install disk to create a win2000 VM in Virtualbox. The win2000 setup boots from the cd ok and leads me through the installation. A what is presumably the end of the normal install, the process looks like it is about to start windows but launches into the setup again. At first I thought it was because the install disk was still in the cdrom and I took it out, but then the setup asked for the install disk again. What is going wrong. Thanks.

    Re: Problem creating a win2000 guest in Virtualbox

    I've used Gutsy, the Virtualbox out of the repos and Win2K retail and it worked fine. Might be worth upgrading.


      Re: Problem creating a win2000 guest in Virtualbox

      I have exactly the same problem, using Kubuntu Gutsy.

      I installed VirtualBox 1.50 with Adept and then
      sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv start
      chmod 666 /dev/vboxdrv
      Now I'm trying to install Windows 2000, but it keeps restarting the install. Around and around it goes.


        Re: Problem creating a win2000 guest in Virtualbox

        It's a prob in win2000. This link might help.


          Re: Problem creating a win2000 guest in Virtualbox

          I gave up with Windows 2000, instead I tried Xp which behaved the same - restarting the install.

          Having slept on the problem, when I had another attempt this morning I noticed that he boot order was:
          • 1st CD
          • 2nd hard drive
          • 3rd floppy

          I changed the boot order to:
          • 1st hard drive
          • 2nd CD
          • 3rd floppy

          and I have now a Windows 2000 and an Xp install. With both installs I had to start VirtualBox with F12 and manually select CD ROM as the initial boot.

