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installing software confusion!

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    installing software confusion!

    I've got a copy of Linux Format magazine that has various programs on there including firefox 1.5. I'd like to install this version as my current one is 1.0.7 O think. I'm getting a little stuck as to how to install it though.

    The magazine gives instructions that are generic and as I don't have much of a grasp of doing things from the command line it's not really helped!

    The install files are on the DVD located (as in the address bar) "media:/hdb/Internet/Firefox" there are 4 files in there -
    1 - " firefox-1.5rc1-source.tar.gz"
    2 - "firefox-1.5rc1.tar.gz"
    and the other two are screen shots.

    I understand that I need to type in something like (from the mag)

    tar xzvf /mnt/cdrom/Desktop/progname/progname-2.1.0.tgz

    but I'm not sure on what the correct path should be!?!

    I wish it was as simple as installing on windows. If there's an autopackage for it - please let me know!

    Re: installing software confusion!

    Try these instructions instead:
    Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


      Re: installing software confusion!

      IIRC, Firefox comes with a binary installer, so you don't need to do what I've written below even though I spent a little while typing it out.

      Avoiding the commandline as much as possible, you should be able to navigate into the firefox-1.5rc1.tar.gz file, and copy its contents to somewhere nice (~/programs/firefox for example). Then there should be a README. It's good to read it.

      In this specific case, you may wish to peruse

      Should you want to install from source (the other tarball, as they're called), follow the following helpful lesson in installing from source.

      Installing From Source 101

      Copy the .tar.gz file to a nice place, eg ~/programs/.

      Then, replacing filenames and directory names where appropriate,

      $ gunzip program.tar.gz
      $ tar -xvf program.tar
      $ cd program-1.0
      $ less README <---- Many people forget this part!
      $ ./configure (possibly --with-someusefuloption)
      $ make
      $ sudo make install

      If it doesn't work at the ./configure stage, you're probably missing some -dev packages somewhere. You'll also need the package build-essential installed.

