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New Monitor is blank

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    New Monitor is blank

    I finally got a wide flat screen monitor. When I first hooked it up to my computer, Linux looked fantastic, so I thought I would change the screen resolution to 1440x900. After rebooting, Grub comes up, then the KUBUNTU logo screen, then the monitor goes blank. (It still works fine on the WinXP partition). The monitor is an LG & my graphics card is ATI. Please help, I can reload but I'll probably learn more by just fixing it.

    Re: New Monitor is blank

    I don't know ATI cards -- maybe SheeEttin or somebody can give you the fine points on it (we'll need the model number, probably).

    However, in the interim it should be possible to configure a VESA mode display and make it work that way. So, boot into Recovery Mode (the text prompt or CLI) and do this (I'll assume you did NOT become the root user at the CLI -- if you do, then you don't need "sudo"):

    sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
    On the first screen, choose "no" to autodetect, and on the second screen choose "VESA" as the display type. Accept the defaults for keyboard and mouse. When you get to the monitor section, on the resolution list put an "X" only in the 1440 x 900 item, and delete any other X's that are present. Then choose refresh rates that are consistent with your new LCD's specs, leave color depth at 24, and when you complete the script it will dump you back to the command line. Now execute

    sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start
    and you should be presented with a GUI login and log in to a 1440 x 900 desktop.

    Good luck!


      Re: New Monitor is blank

      I can get to CLI from within Grub, but it gives me a Grub> prompt. & when I try to use the commands that you gave me, I get error messages. I probably HAD the ability to boot into safe or Recovery Mode but in my finite wisdom I commented them out of the Grub menu list. I think I can get to that file & uncomment the recovery mode choice using a live version like knoppix. I really appreciate you help.


        Re: New Monitor is blank

        Originally posted by ausdantexas

        I probably HAD the ability to boot into safe or Recovery Mode but in my finite wisdom I commented them out of the Grub menu list.
        Wow -- that energy would have been better spent elsewhere ....

        Hmmm. Ok you say you get a Grub> prompt -- well, that's (a) strange, and (b) not what you want.

        So, how about this -- when you get your boot menu, with the Kubuntu line highlighted, hit "e" for edit, then on the next screen cursor down one line so the kernel boot line is highlighted, and hit "e" again, and then left-arrow your cursor to the "quiet", "splash", and maybe "vga=something" options, and delete them, and enter "ro single" in their place. Then right-arrow back to the end of the line, and hit Enter and then with the kernel boot line highlighted hit "b" and it should boot to a CLI prompt. Here you can log in, and then follow the instruction I gave above.

        Good luck!


          Re: New Monitor is blank

          I thought I would change the screen resolution to 1440x900.
          How did you ?

          Some programs make backupfiles automatically:
          • dpkg-reconfigure: xorg.conf -> xorg.conf.20070503184018
            (year month day hour minute second)
          • text editor kate: xorg.conf -> xorg.conf~
          • K > System Settings > Display: xorg.conf -> xorg.conf.1 (xorg.conf.2...)

          Have you tried to start with live CD ?
          With live CD you could:
          - copy automatic xorg.conf backup to the xorg.conf
          - copy live CD session xorg.conf to the xorg.conf

          HOWTO : Repairing xorg.conf

          I probably HAD the ability to boot into safe or Recovery Mode but in my finite wisdom I commented them out of the Grub menu list.
          With virtual console:
          sudo update-grub
          Searching for GRUB installation directory ... found: /boot/grub
          Searching for default file ... found: /boot/grub/default
          Testing for an existing GRUB menu.lst file ... found: /boot/grub/menu.lst
          Searching for splash image ... none found, skipping ...
          Found kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic
          Found kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-13-generic
          Found kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-12-generic
          Found kernel: /boot/memtest86+.bin
          Updating /boot/grub/menu.lst ... done
          man update-grub tells:
          update-grub - program to generate GRUB’s menu.lst file

          update-grub is a program used to generate the menu.lst file used by the
          grub bootloader. It works by looking in /boot for all files which
          start with "vmlinuz-". They will be treated as kernels, and grub menu
          entries will be created for each. It will also create the initial
          menu.lst if none exists, after prompting the user. It will also add
          initrd lines for ramdisk images found with the same version as kernels
          Before you edit, BACKUP !

          Why there are dead links ?
          1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
          2. Thread: Lost Information


            Re: New Monitor is blank

            Thank you both for helping. I was spending way too much time tiring to get back to where I was. So I wimped out & reloaded. So I tried to start over exactly like before by loading an Ubuntu DVD that I got in a magazine then installing the KDE desktop package. That is obviously not what I did before because I never get the Kubuntu splash and it just doesn't seem as smooth. Is there a Kubuntu package? I'll search the forums.
            Thanks, Dan


              Re: New Monitor is blank

              You can

              sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
              The package "kubuntu-desktop" is a "meta-package" -- it brings in the bundle that we know as Kubuntu. But your Gnome desktop/Ubuntu will not be removed -- I am told that you will have a choice on your login screen of which desktop you want to log into. (I haven't done that particular adventure, myself).

              Or, you could download and burn a Kubuntu installation CD, and do a clean installation.

