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multiple questions: software install / root login stuff

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    multiple questions: software install / root login stuff

    Totally new to Kubuntu/Linux ("KB"). After about 10 hours of work, I'm VERY impressed and pleased. This is simply fantastic - I like it much better than WinXP. A keeper! However, I'm a bit stuck on a few matters -

    [1] version identification: I think I'm running KB 7.04. I burned the disk some weeks ago, and loaded it assuming an upgrade to 7.10 would be easy. BUT, I cannot discover how to verify the version. How can I locate identifying information on the OS installation, from within KB? There must be some simple way to do this.

    [2] software installation: A couple of problems here. I now have three download modules sitting on my desktop, but I have no idea how to install them. They are Thunderbird, jEdit, and Areca (a java backup prog.). In the Linux versions, none of them are executable installation modules, so far as I can tell. Baffling. When I try to operate adept_updater, it shuts down, with a "database locked" message. So...
    A - what's the secret for installing those 3 programs?
    B - how an I get adept_updater working? (It ran once, for me - I located and installed a number of modules - Firefox, etc. But there was some kind of error, and it stopped. Hasn't run since then. Something broken?)

    [3] I cannot find information about the various classes of user accounts I can set up - the user manager thingie (program? applet? whatever...) appears not to have any locatable documentation). Where can this be found?

    [4] I cannot log in as root. That appears to be necessary for certain functions (wrong?). Why have a root account if it cannot be used

    I thank you for any help you can offer.

    Re: multiple questions: software install / root login stuff

    [1] version identification:
    In the konsole:
    :~$ uname -a
    Linux Ammu2500L 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Dec 18 08:02:57 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
    :~$ lsb_release -a
    No LSB modules are available.
    Distributor ID: Ubuntu
    Description:  Ubuntu 7.10
    Release:    7.10
    Codename:    gutsy
    KDE version:
    Start KDE program (kate) > Help > About KDE ...

    [2] software installation:
    Repos and installing in the Kubuntu (K/X/ubuntu is a Debian based Linux distribution):


    How to install ANYTHING in Ubuntu!
    A graphical guide for all new users with a Windows background using Ubuntu
    Installing Software in Ubuntu

    Using Wine on Ubuntu

    Topic: TAR BALLS (If you want to install programs that are not in the Debian Linux Package format)

    Topic: FAQ: Installing from source

    This is the home of the Ubuntuzilla project, which is a python script that allows the user to install the latest versions of Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla SeaMonkey, and Mozilla Thunderbird on Ubuntu Linux. Ubuntuzilla has a support forum on the Ubuntu Forums in the 3rd party projects area, which you are encouraged to use if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.
    Topic: Installing Firefox with Adept

    Topic: Disappointed in Thunderbird on Kubuntu/Ubuntu

    [4] I cannot log in as root.
    FAQ: Root Password
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: multiple questions: software install / root login stuff

      Very helpful. Using your help I've now gotten past these obstacles.

      Thank you so much!

