Re: My adventure in the land of Kubuntu 7.10
Yea . . . I wound up just sticking the soundcard from my desktop in it, which worked like a charm
My desktop has a decent integrated audio chip on the motherboard, so it's OK. About running Dolphin as root, I agree, it's not a good idea - at least not right now. I prefer performing my root file managing via CLI (Command Line Interface); it's a very quick and direct method for handling files. For everything else, I like using the Krusader file manager (it's available from the repos).
You do have to remember, Kubuntu is not Windows; Linux and Windows use 2 completely separate code bases, and the fact that you can run even some Windows apps from Linux is amazing (ever try to run a Linux app from Window$ ?). KDE 4.x may, however, change a lot of things. Now the QT toolkit has been released under the GPL, many devs are working on porting KDE to Window$ and other OS's, which will greatly increase our everything
Just imagine the attention KDE will receive once Windoze and Mac users get a taste of ol' Konqi 
If your external hdd is formatted as Fat(32) or NTFS, you may want to check out Recuva. It's an excellent, free utility from Piriform (the creators of CCleaner) that allows you to recover a large portion of files and whatnot that have been damaged/deleted. I consider CCleaner almost essential for Windows, and Recuva is a good tool to have too. If you can, and you want to try Recuva, you may want to run it from Windows; I don't think it works very well with Wine.
Now I've spread my bit of spam for the day, it's time to finish some homework
Let me know if anything else comes up, and keep me posted on how well Knoppix works in recovering your drive.
I hope you have already fixed the sound card problem

You do have to remember, Kubuntu is not Windows; Linux and Windows use 2 completely separate code bases, and the fact that you can run even some Windows apps from Linux is amazing (ever try to run a Linux app from Window$ ?). KDE 4.x may, however, change a lot of things. Now the QT toolkit has been released under the GPL, many devs are working on porting KDE to Window$ and other OS's, which will greatly increase our everything

If your external hdd is formatted as Fat(32) or NTFS, you may want to check out Recuva. It's an excellent, free utility from Piriform (the creators of CCleaner) that allows you to recover a large portion of files and whatnot that have been damaged/deleted. I consider CCleaner almost essential for Windows, and Recuva is a good tool to have too. If you can, and you want to try Recuva, you may want to run it from Windows; I don't think it works very well with Wine.
Now I've spread my bit of spam for the day, it's time to finish some homework
