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Upgrading Kubuntu - questions problems...

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    Upgrading Kubuntu - questions problems...

    I have an kubuntu version that hasn't been upgraded for a long while now. I really need updates to all my programs and I really can't format and make a clean install.

    uname -a gives
    Linux Gammal 2.6.17-12-generic #2 SMP Mon Jul 16 19:37:58 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
    (tbh, I have no idea what it means but I figure someone of you do)

    I'm guessing I'm forced to install feisty before gutsy.

    Is it possible to make these installs with no risk of loosing the data on my harddrive? Also. Am I supposed to get the normal upgrades for Ubuntu or is there any special for Kubuntu?

    if not I'd like to add the problem that needs new updates.

    I was smart enought to plug in my 6th gen iPod to the computer, managed to listen to songs and transfer some back and forth. After disconnecting it I can't find any songs on it anymore. Turns out to be a bug that has to be fixed by using the latest Amarok and an old version of "libgpod".

    In short. Can I upgrade to latest amarok in some way, without upgrading to Gutsy?

    As a last note I might add that I have no idea about anything in linux, even though I'm experienced in general computer fields (aka. nerd but can't do anything). So please bring it down to whatever retarded level necessary.

    Thankful to any help!

    Re: Upgrading Kubuntu - questions problems...

    Not sure what version you have, but you can upgrade all packages and upgrade to the next version using Adept Manager if you have it, it 's the Full Upgrade button I think.
    If you want to upgrade to amarok but not change to Gutsy then you have to do it the hard way Gather up all the dependencies for amarok and install them from here. Looks like a ****lot of dependencies, so I would just recommend you try upgrading to Gutsy...


      Re: Upgrading Kubuntu - questions problems...

      Trying to update using the Adept Manager gives me 404 errors on some files. Am I forced to download and burn a cd when upgrading to Feisty?

      The error I get is:
      Failed to fetch 404 Not Found
      Failed to fetch 404 Not Found
      Failed to fetch 404 Not Found
      Failed to fetch 404 Not Found


        Re: Upgrading Kubuntu - questions problems...

        Apologize for bumping but I'm really stressed for the moment
        I ask once more, really simple.

        Is there a risk of having my harddrive formatted when updating Kubuntu?


          Re: Upgrading Kubuntu - questions problems...

          Originally posted by MorteM
          Trying to update using the Adept Manager gives me 404 errors on some files. Am I forced to download and burn a cd when upgrading to Feisty?

          The error I get is:
          Failed to fetch 404 Not Found
          Failed to fetch 404 Not Found
          Failed to fetch 404 Not Found
          Failed to fetch 404 Not Found
          This is not a "normal" or "default" Dapper repository, so there's no big loss for not having it. I tried it and got redirected to another site (still French).

          If you did not originally make a separate hard drive partition for your data, then I'm afraid you need to get some blank DVDs or a USB drive or something, and back your data up off that hard drive. Then you can re-install Feisty or Gutsy or whatever you wish. Next time, I'd make a separate data partition so you don't have to have this problem again.


            Re: Upgrading Kubuntu - questions problems...

            Risk? Depends on whether or not you have a separate partition for /home.

            Open a console and type:
            cat /etc/fstab
            copy and paste the results for review.

            then type:
            cat lsb-release
            copy and paste the results. This will identify the version of *ubuntu you are running.

            then type:
            sudo fdisk -l
            copy and paste the results. This will show us how your HDs are setup.

            then type:
            df -x tmpfs -hT
            copy and paste the results. This will show us how much space is used, and how much left, on each of the partitions.
            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Re: Upgrading Kubuntu - questions problems...

              Originally posted by MorteM
              The error I get is:
              Failed to fetch 404 Not Found
              Failed to fetch 404 Not Found
              Failed to fetch 404 Not Found
              Failed to fetch 404 Not Found
              In Adept Manager (K-menu -> System), you need to remove these entries from the source list. In the Adept menu, there should be something called 'Manage Sourcelists' or similar. Clicky, select the Third-Party Software tab and remove the entries from

              Adept should now update to Feisty without much further ado


                Re: Upgrading Kubuntu - questions problems...

                cat /etc/fstab
                # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
                # <file system> <mount point>  <type> <options>    <dump> <pass>
                proc      /proc      proc  defaults    0    0
                # /dev/hda2
                UUID=c09c7977-ba44-4bc1-85e7-64ab6d8fce83 /        ext3  defaults,errors=remount-ro 0    1
                # /dev/hdb1
                UUID=806033A360339F3A /media/hdb1   ntfs  defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0    1
                /dev/hdb2    /media/windows ntfs defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0    1
                /dev/hdc    /media/cdrom0  udf,iso9660 user,noauto   0    0
                /dev/hdd    /media/cdrom1  udf,iso9660 user,noauto   0    0
                /dev/      /media/floppy0 auto  rw,user,noauto 0    0
                cat lsb-release
                Doesn't work, but according to people in #kubuntu @ freenode I'm using Edgy. It adds up with the date I installed kubuntu (about february '07).

                sudo fdisk -l
                Disk /dev/hda: 120,0 GB, 120000061440 byte
                255 huvuden, 63 sektorer/spår, 14589 cylindrar
                Enheter = cylindrar av 16065 · 512 = 8225280 byte
                  Enhet Start   Början    Slut   Block  Id System
                /dev/hda1        1    2606  20932663+ 83 Linux
                /dev/hda2      2607    14589  96253447+ 83 Linux
                Disk /dev/hdb: 10,2 GB, 10248118272 byte
                255 huvuden, 63 sektorer/spår, 1245 cylindrar
                Enheter = cylindrar av 16065 · 512 = 8225280 byte
                  Enhet Start   Början    Slut   Block  Id System
                /dev/hdb1  *      1     567   4554396  b W95 FAT32
                /dev/hdb2       568    1244   5438002+  f W95 Utökad (LBA)
                /dev/hdb5       568    1244   5437971  7 HPFS/NTFS
                Observera: sektorstorleken är 4096 (inte 512)
                Disk /dev/sda: 79,8 GB, 79824777216 byte
                26 huvuden, 50 sektorer/spår, 14991 cylindrar
                Enheter = cylindrar av 1300 · 4096 = 5324800 byte
                  Enhet Start   Början    Slut   Block  Id System
                /dev/sda1        1    14992  77953628  b W95 FAT32
                hdb* = a dysfunctional windowsdrive that's not used for the moment (though it still tries to mount it I believe)
                sda1 = my ipod, that doesn't work except for when using it through amarok anymore (due to old versions of libgpod and amarok).

                df -x tmpfs -hT
                Filsystem   Typ  Storlek Anvnt Tillg Anv% Monterat på
                /dev/hda2   ext3   91G  77G 8,8G 90% /
                procbususb  usbfs   10M 124K 9,9M  2% /proc/bus/usb
                /dev/sda1   vfat   75G  35G  40G 47% /media/ipod
                Apologizes for Swedish version. If it's necessary, can I change the language in the terminal so others can understand it?

                I'm not good at linux, though I have general computer knowledge (even worked more with mac than linux). It looks to me like I have different partitions, and if that's the case, can I upgrade it the way Beren Camlost and/or dibl explains?


                  Re: Upgrading Kubuntu - questions problems...

                  Originally posted by MorteM
                  df -x tmpfs -hT
                  Filsystem   Typ  Storlek Anvnt Tillg Anv% Monterat på
                  /dev/hda2  ext3  91G 77G 8,8G 90% /
                  procbususb usbfs  10M 124K 9,9M 2% /proc/bus/usb
                  /dev/sda1  vfat  75G 35G 40G 47% /media/ipod
                  The output above shows that your Linux (Edgy) installation is on a 91G partition (/dev/hda2), and that 77G of that are already in use. Based on the output of your fstab file, you don't have a separate partition for /home and you don't have a swap partition either.

                  The 404 Not Found on the listed repository entries in your sources.list file can be fixed by commenting them out as Beren Camlost posted. Open a console and type:
                  kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list
                  Locate these entries:
                  and put a ## in from of each so they look like this:
                  Because you only have 8.8G available space (which is probably enough, but ...) I would do some cleanup of older packages that aren't needed anymore. Open a console and type:
                  sudo apt-get autoclean
                  followed by
                  sudo apt-get autoremove
                  These commands will remove package files that can no longer be downloaded, and are largely useless, and remove packages that were automatically installed to satisfy dependencies for some package and that are no more needed.

                  This will free up (probably) a considerable amount of space on your Edgy partition.
                  Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                  Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                  "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                    Re: Upgrading Kubuntu - questions problems...

                    I would probably have tried this already, if it wasn't for the fact that the computer belongs to someone else than me and it contains some important files.

                    I can't localize the four packages in the sources.list file, though I've found something I believe is what I should set to be ignored.

                    deb [url][/url] dapper free non-free
                    deb-src [url][/url] dapper free non-free
                    deb [url][/url] dapper free non-free
                    deb-src [url][/url] dapper free non-free
                    I wouldn't ask, but since kubuntu even differs from lowercase and uppercase characters I feel obliged to ask if this is correct. The sources.list file is pretty small and it doesn't contain the full adress of the missing packages. Only these adresses to subfolders.

                    Also. I get alot of errors when I wrote the command for opening sources.list
                    X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169
                     Major opcode: 147
                     Minor opcode: 3
                     Resource id: 0x0
                    This error, repeated alot of times. Sometimes with other "Resource id's".

                    A simple yes would be sufficient now


                      Re: Upgrading Kubuntu - questions problems...

                      Sorry! I tend to forget that the what is reported as a sources.list 'error' isn't exactly what it is in the list its self.

                      The two that you want to comment out are:

                      deb dapper free non-free
                      deb-src dapper free non-free

                      The other two were not identified in the error messages.
                      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                        Re: Upgrading Kubuntu - questions problems...

                        Okay. What's happening, is that your sources.list has entries pointing to repositories that are no longer current (have been changed since the list was created).

                        You can generate a new sources.list from Ubuntu sources.list generator Very easy to use. On Step 2: Select Repositories do not select the Medibuntu multimedia packages as it has the incorrect URL (I've notified the maintainer, but it has not been fixed - yet). If you don't select any of the lower items, then click the upper Create sources.list button, otherwise, click the lower button. You will get a generated sources.list that opens in your editor. Do nothing at this point. Just leave the editor open.

                        Open a console and type:
                        kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list
                        This will open the existing sources.list file for editing 'as root'. Click Edit | Select All and the press you delete key. This erases the contents. (yes, it's okay). Then switch to the other sources.list document. Copy the contents of the file (highlight/copy) and then switch back to the other file and paste the contents. Save and close that file. Then close the other file.

                        These steps replace your 'old' sources.list file with the contents of the newly generated one. Then, follow my How To Add the Medibuntu Repository for your version of *ubuntu. You will now have a current sources.list file, and caused Adept to update its self.

                        Procede with your updating and see if things don't procede better.
                        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                          Re: Upgrading Kubuntu - questions problems...

                          I deleted a post to which you replied, my mistake. It was the same error as the first time.

                          Anyways. I tried to replace the list with a freshly generated one. The install could start (even though it warned about some 3rd party things in the list file). But it wouldn't finish.

                          After about 40-50 minutes it froze with an error, something about posting the logfiles and report a bug and an error regarding ttf-bengali which I believe has something to do with fonts (note that no fonts has been installed except for the ones that came with kubuntu). I got the logfiles, the report bug button never worked and now the updater is stuck at 65%.

                          Should I attach the logfiles or is this just dead?
                          Do I dare to reboot? (the updater warns me about system failure if I try to close it)


                            Re: Upgrading Kubuntu - questions problems...

                            Don't do a 'hard reboot.' Stop Adept. Do a normal shutdown / restart. When back at your desktop, open a console and issue the following commands:
                            sudo dpkg --configure -a
                            sudo apt-get autoclean
                            sudo apt-get update
                            sudo apt-get install
                            You may have to repeat these commands if, after the last, you still get reported errors.
                            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                              Re: Upgrading Kubuntu - questions problems...

                              I did exactly what you told me but kubuntu refuses to boot up after the failed upgrade. The harddrive is corrupt and I won't be able to save the data.

                              I won't reinstall kubuntu and I will recommend people I know to stay away from linux in general.

