Hey all,
I've been running Ubuntu on my Macbook C2D for about 5 months now, I've had no problems until I found KDE.. I like it much better than Gnome, but I am having a few problems making the switch. Mainly three things, but these are the two big ones. I can't seem to get my brightness controls and sound controls that are on the keyboard to work.
I've set kmix master channel to PCM which controls the sound fine, but my buttons for up, down and mute still control the Master slider and not PCM. How do I change this? I'm lost, I've been searching the forum and google for 3 hours now.
Also, the brightness controls on my keyboard do nothing at all, is there a way to get these to work?
My last problem is getting compiz-fusion to work on KDE, but I'll figure that out soon enough.
I've been running Ubuntu on my Macbook C2D for about 5 months now, I've had no problems until I found KDE.. I like it much better than Gnome, but I am having a few problems making the switch. Mainly three things, but these are the two big ones. I can't seem to get my brightness controls and sound controls that are on the keyboard to work.
I've set kmix master channel to PCM which controls the sound fine, but my buttons for up, down and mute still control the Master slider and not PCM. How do I change this? I'm lost, I've been searching the forum and google for 3 hours now.
Also, the brightness controls on my keyboard do nothing at all, is there a way to get these to work?
My last problem is getting compiz-fusion to work on KDE, but I'll figure that out soon enough.