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Creative X-FI Soundblaster

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    Creative X-FI Soundblaster

    Okay and hey.

    I've been all over this and the Ubuntu forum (to a degree anyway) and I've found no solution to my problem.

    Basically, I have no sound.

    I've downloaded the 64 bit Linux drivers from the creative labs webpage, which at first I struggle with (new to Linux, 2 days), but I finally managed to get going, except one small problem.

    They inform me that they're only for a 64 bit operating system, except, I'm using a 64 bit operating system. This has totally confused me and thrown me off track, I was quite happily working it all out for myself until now and I really have no clue what to do next.

    I've read the "Complete Sound Issues Thingy", I forget the exact name and place and did all of that up to a certain point when it went bonker and didn't follow that piece of information anymore.

    Regardless, I feel I'm completely stuck right now and any help at all would be appreciated.

    - Baatorian

    Re: Creative X-FI Soundblaster

    The Linux driver is still in beta form, so there are still kinks in the code If you want, copy and paste the errors you're receiving here and I'll try to help you with them.
    Asus G1S-X3:
    Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


      Re: Creative X-FI Soundblaster

      Hi and thanks.

      Well, the error message is pretty short, but I guess more important it's different. All of the creative X-Fi files are in New Folder right to note.

      truth@Mary:~/Desktop/New Folder$ ./installer
      This product only support 64-bit Operating Systems
      Setup will now exit

      That was the sound thread I was reading and working my way along, basically.. I followed it all and the messages I have been recieving (explain a bit later), changed to the one above. Before hand I was getting, something on the lines of.

      "No compatible device detected"

      Which I guess is a step forward. I got to (4) before it went tits up and I've been struggling to find any ALSA compliation package or "fresh kernels" whatever that exactly means.

      To note, new to Linux, I've tried Fedora 8 over the last three days as well and that would give the the second message "No compatible device detected". Funny thing is though, underneath the sound panel in Fedora, it was actually listed.

      Anyway, I don't really know what to do right now to be honest. The64 bit system message was new and odd and I was wondering if it was something to do with Kubuntu itself. Note I definitely downloaded and installed the 86-64 DVD.

      Any help appreciated, thanks.


        Re: Creative X-FI Soundblaster

        Hi, there's a way around this problem (see link below), but according to the forum, there seem to be quite a few other issues with this beta driver.... We may have to wait for the next version... I ghave an onboard sound card I use in the meanwhile


          Re: Creative X-FI Soundblaster

          Yeah, uhm, cheers. I did actually look over that but must have bypassed the couple of topics about the 64 bit installation message, my bad.

          I followed up and changed platform=$(uname -i) to platform=$(uname -m) and indeed the problem reverted back to hardware not found. Annoying to say the least.

          I feel the pain Terje1311 and would switch to onboard myself by I'm mixing between WinXP and Kubuntu right now until I work out.. well... how to get sound working, for one, as well as a host of other programs and utilities that I need, such as OpenRPG (which apparently won't work period on 64 bit systems). I guess I'll just be waiting for a proper driver until then like everyone else.

          I seriously cannot believe that Creative would "release" a driver though that basically doesn't work, to be honest I'm quite astounded by it.

          Regardless, thanks Terje and Integr8e for the help.

          - Baatorian

