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Where will windows go?

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    Where will windows go?

    Once I install Kubuntu, where will Windows go incase I need some files back?

    To install Kubuntu, all I have to do is go to the download page, then click on my country and use the install CD link, then once it is done, shut down my computer and have the disc in once it is started?


    Re: Where will windows go?

    Hi there - thanks for choosing Kubuntu!

    When you install (using exactly the method you describe - make sure you burn the image properly, and not just put the .iso file onto a CD), Kubuntu will recognise that you have Windows installed.

    This means two things: firstly, once the installation is done, when you boot the computer you'll get a menu allowing you to boot up into Windows should you want to. Which, once you've gotten used to Kubuntu, you won't want to do that often!

    Also, you will be able to access all your Windows files through Kubuntu, so there'll be even less incentive to reboot. Get to them in /windows.


      Re: Where will windows go?

      Well, it depends...

      Kubuntu (and any form of Linux that I know of) needs its own set of partitions in order to operate. The Kubuntu setup will handle most of the hard parts, but you will need to decide where to create this partition.

      If you only have one hard disk, you will need to make enough space on that hard disk to install Kubuntu. (Note: I've never done this, so does anyone know if you need to run a disk defrag before you try and do this in order to free up a solid block on the hd?)

      The second, and probably simpler method is to have Kubuntu install onto a second hard drive. This is also very straight forward on the install CD.

      Once you have successfully created your partitions and installed Kubuntu there will be two ways to access your windows files. First, Kubuntu automatically installs a program called GRUB. GRUB will allow you to boot into either Kubuntu or Windows, so you can still use your windows machine as normal.

      Second, if you want to have access to your Windows files while running Kubuntu you can follow the guides here in order to mount (access) your windows partition(s). I'm no expert, but I hope this helps.


        Re: Where will windows go?


        What other files do I need to put onto the disc other than the ISO?


          Re: Where will windows go?

          you can't just 'put' the .iso there. a simple drag and drop won't quite work. you need a burning program which will take the image file (.iso) and create a CD from it. here is the "I'm feeling lucky" site from google for a free program for burning .iso files from windows. anyone know a better one? Once you create an CD from an image file, the CD won't need anything else to install Kubuntu.

          Also, I'd like to know how comfortable you are with computers, in case I'm dumbing things down too much. If I am, then sorry.


            Re: Where will windows go?

            I have burned the ISO file using EasyISO. Now what do I do?

            I know something about computers. I know enough to know to not use Windows.


              Re: Where will windows go?

              Now just make sure the cd is in the drive and reboot. If it still boots into Windows, you'll need to change your boot priority in your BIOS. Otherwise, it should boot into the install which is pretty simple. Just be careful not to delete your Windows partition when partitioning your drives. This installation guide will help (Guide is for x86 computers)


                Re: Where will windows go?

                Thanks for your help, I tried that, and it just booted right into windows. I changed the BootUp process to CD-ROM first, and still nothing. What should I put first?


                  Re: Where will windows go?

                  Originally posted by AMDuser
                  Thanks for your help, I tried that, and it just booted right into windows. I changed the BootUp process to CD-ROM first, and still nothing. What should I put first?
                  Try booting with your Windows disk to test that your BIOS is set right. You can just ctrl-alt-del if it boots ok.

                  You can view the Kubuntu disk you burned in Windows and see all the files there. If you can't read the disk then it was burned wrong. Did you do md5 sum on the download?

                  The readme file in my burned iso of Kubuntu looks like this:

                  #define DISKNAME Kubuntu 5.10 "Breezy Badger" - Release i386
                  #define TYPE binary
                  #define TYPEbinary 1
                  #define ARCH i386
                  #define ARCHi386 1
                  #define DISKNUM 1
                  #define DISKNUM1 1
                  #define TOTALNUM 1
                  #define TOTALNUM1 1


                    Re: Where will windows go?

                    i have problem with this 2, How i can get windows folders unloked and how do i find my swamp drive what i created??
                    I have been using linux for 2 days.


                      Re: Where will windows go?

                      Originally posted by kiryo
                      i have problem with this 2, How i can get windows folders unloked and how do i find my swamp drive what i created??
                      I have been using linux for 2 days.
                      To get the windows folder "unlocked" you first need to mount the drives first.
                      This link helped me alot doing that;


                        Re: Where will windows go?

                        Originally posted by kiryo
                        how do i find my swamp drive what i created??
                        You mean a swap partition? the swap space is hidden from you (it is used as an extension for memory, you can't use it directly)

                        You can see the swap partition listed with (for example):
                        sudo fdisk -l

