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Booting problems onboard video card conflicts between PCI card... Fixed

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    Booting problems onboard video card conflicts between PCI card... Fixed

    Well, I switch from Ubuntu to Kubuntu because I find that I like the KDE desktop better than GNOME.

    Anyways, I got it to install after I waited a couple of months for the disc to reach my house. It ran fine, looked great, just seemed to run better than Ubuntu all together for my computer. After I installed it I brought my computer to a friends to LAN. I didn't bother bringing my monitor since he had a spare. Well, when I booted up Kubuntu and it was acting fine. The blue loader came up and then went to show me the GUI. I could even see the mouse cursor telling me it was loading up (The little round thing with dots) then about two seconds of that it goes to the black screen and reads:

    Starting K Display Manager: kdm.
    *Starting Common Unix Printing System: cupsd [OK] /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu01/cpufreq/scaling_gove rnor: Directory nonexistant
    *CPU frequency scaling not supported
    *Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Daemon avahi-daemon [OK]
    *Starting DHCP D-Bus daemon dhcdbd [OK]
    *Starting Bluetooth services [OK]
    *Starting anac (h) ronistic cron anacron [OK]
    *Starting deferred execution scheduler atd [OK]
    *Starting periodic command scheduler crond [OK]
    *Checking battery state [OK]
    *Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local) [OK]

    Now I get that problem every time I try to boot. I tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg But, no luck. I noticed though it keeps thinking I have an Intel video card when I have an ATI. I have disabled the intergraded Intel through BIOS but, for some reason it's still picker it up. Could it still be confusing it? I was thinking about reinstalling but, I would like to figure out how to fix this problem so that I may learn how to fix it if it ever repeats.



    This was my original problem. What I did was play by it's rules. I set BIOS to use the onboard gfx card, exit and save. Booted Kubuntu and let it give me that error. Pressed alt-f6 logged in and typed sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and set it up as if I was going to be using my Intel chip and then restart. Once Kubuntu was "up and running" I went to the system options and told the computer to use my secondary card (ATI) as my primary and then disabled my Intel. Restart, BIOS, tell it to use PCI, save and exit. Load up Kubuntu and be merry.

    If anyone else has this problem.

    Re: Booting problems.

    Are you picking an ati driver when doing the reconfigure?
    Post your xorg.conf file. Its located in /etc/X11/
    Kubuntu 18.04 on AMD


      Re: Booting problems.

      Well, I just told BIOS to run my Intel chip instead of the PCI and Kubuntu loads up.

      I do pick the ATI drivers but, it's seems VESA works better and I don't know why. I've been trying to solve this ATI driver problem for awhile.

      The card is ATI Radeon 9250

      I would like to boot Kubuntu through my PCI card and eliminate my Intel all together.


        Re: Booting problems onboard video card conflicts between PCI card... Fixed

        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Fixed~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

