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problem with ntfs&fat32 partitions

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    problem with ntfs&fat32 partitions

    I wont to acess to my partitions but Kubuntu say:hal-storage-mount-all-optic refused uid 1000.Can someone help me?What to do?

    Re: problem with ntfs&fat32 partitions

    Always helpful for others, if you identify the version of *ubuntu you are running.

    To have rw (read/write) access to NTFS formatted HDs, you need to ensure that the ntfs-3g package is installed. You can, if you wish, install the package ntfs-config instead. This will also install the ntfs-3g package.

    The ntfs-config package:
    Enable/disable write support for any NTFS devices
    This program allow you to easily configure all of your NTFS devices to allow write support via a friendly gui. For that use, it will configure them to use the open source ntfs-3g driver. You'll also be able to easily disable this feature.
    Use Adept Manager to install.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: problem with ntfs&fat32 partitions

      ntfs-3g is installed but problem is still here.What to do?


        Re: problem with ntfs&fat32 partitions

        Open a console and type:
        cat /etc/fstab
        copy and paste the results in your reply for review.
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Re: problem with ntfs&fat32 partitions

          Originally posted by Snowhog
          Open a console and type:
          cat /etc/fstab
          copy and paste the results in your reply for review.
          # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
          # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
          proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
          # /dev/sdb1
          UUID=db16e84e-6401-4f07-815c-9e555189a78e / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
          # /dev/sdb5
          UUID=36cf2f85-c8b5-4050-b8ea-a9ca24795a23 none swap sw 0 0
          /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0 0
          /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto,exec 0 0


            Re: problem with ntfs&amp;fat32 partitions

            Well that explains why you cant see/mount your nfts&fat32 partitions - they aren't identified in your fstab file!

            Open a console and type:
            df -hT & sudo fdisk -l
            You will be prompted for your password after the first command lists the output. Enter your password and enter. Copy and paste the results of both listings for review.
            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Re: problem with ntfs&amp;fat32 partitions

              Originally posted by Snowhog
              Well that explains why you cant see/mount your nfts&fat32 partitions - they aren't identified in your fstab file!

              Open a console and type:
              df -hT & sudo fdisk -l
              You will be prompted for your password after the first command lists the output. Enter your password and enter. Copy and paste the results of both listings for review.

              Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
              /dev/sdb1 ext3 18G 2,2G 15G 13% /
              varrun tmpfs 252M 140K 252M 1% /var/run
              varlock tmpfs 252M 0 252M 0% /var/lock
              udev tmpfs 252M 88K 252M 1% /dev
              devshm tmpfs 252M 0 252M 0% /dev/shm
              lrm tmpfs 252M 34M 218M 14% /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/volatile
              dusan@kubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk -l
              [sudo] password for dusan:

              Disk /dev/sda: 20.4 GB, 20416757760 bytes
              255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 2482 cylinders
              Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
              Disk identifier: 0xf1c4ff19

              Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
              /dev/sda1 * 1 2482 19936633+ 7 HPFS/NTFS

              Disk /dev/sdb: 20.4 GB, 20416757760 bytes
              255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 2482 cylinders
              Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
              Disk identifier: 0x307eab8a

              Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
              /dev/sdb1 * 1 2373 19061091 83 Linux
              /dev/sdb2 2374 2482 875542+ 5 Extended
              /dev/sdb5 2374 2482 875511 82 Linux swap / Solaris

              Disk /dev/sdc: 250.0 GB, 250059350016 bytes
              255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders
              Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
              Disk identifier: 0xb7c33a20

              Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
              /dev/sdc1 1 27852 223721181+ 7 HPFS/NTFS
              /dev/sdc2 27852 30325 19865248 83 Linux
              Partition 2 does not end on cylinder boundary.
              /dev/sdc3 30325 30402 614414 82 Linux swap / Solaris
              Partition 3 does not end on cylinder boundary.


                Re: problem with ntfs&amp;fat32 partitions

                Good. So you have three HDs. HD #1 (sda) is a Windows (XP, Vista, ) drive. HD #2 (sdb) is a Linux (whos and what version?) drive. HD #3 (sdc) has both, Windows and Linux partitions.

                Is this correct?
                Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                  Re: problem with ntfs&amp;fat32 partitions

                  Originally posted by Snowhog
                  Good. So you have three HDs. HD #1 (sda) is a Windows (XP, Vista, ) drive. HD #2 (sdb) is a Linux (whos and what version?) drive. HD #3 (sdc) has both, Windows and Linux partitions.

                  Is this correct?
                  HD#1 is windows xp(ntfs)
                  HD#2 Kubuntu 7.10
                  HD#3 Empty linux partitions(ext3 and swap) and the rest is ntfs.

                  What to do now?


                    Re: problem with ntfs&amp;fat32 partitions

                    I think I see 2 swap partitions, one of which is unnecessary/redundant .... but that's not the complaint. :P

                    The error message closely resembles the famous "missing policy kit" issue that's been going on since Feisty. But it's different in that it includes the "-alloptic" option rather than the more usual "-fixed-mount", which I suppose refers to optical drives. Is that CD ROM drive working OK?

                    I don't see the NTFS partitions listed in the /etc/fstab file -- that's why they are not automatically being mounted (not sure why it didn't set that up for you during installation). You'll need to make a couple of mount points in the /media directory, and then set them up in /etc/fstab to be mounted.

                    Perhaps an example will help. I have a USB thumb drive, identified as /dev/sdf1, that is NTFS formatted, and I mount it using its UUID at /media/NTFSTICK. So, here is the line from my /etc/fstab file:

                    UUID=A8FC3435FC33FC5E /media/NTFSTICK ntfs-3g nouser,defaults,atime,exec,force 0 2
                    Notice that I got tired of the objections about "unclean filesystem" and used the "force" option to mount it at boot time.

                    I hope that helps a bit.


                      Re: problem with ntfs&amp;fat32 partitions

                      I dont have cd rom drives.They doesnt work so I unplag them.You explanation is too complikated for me.Should I reinstall kubuntu?


                        Re: problem with ntfs&amp;fat32 partitions

                        Originally posted by helen1

                        /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0 0
                        This line from your /etc/fstab file is for a CD ROM drive. So, if you unplugged the drive, that may be the cause of the error message. In other words, the error may be caused by the missing CD ROM drive that your system is looking for, and have nothing to do with the NTFS drives.

                        Sorry -- I didn't mean to make my answer hard.

                        In your root filesystem is a directory named /media. In a console window, you can make a mount point there for each NTFS partition. You can use any name you want for the mount points, including the ID of the partition that you plan to mount there. For example
                        sudo mkdir /media/sda
                        will create a directory/mount point named "sda".

                        With that done, in your /etc/fstab file you would add a line that looks like the colored one here:

                        # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
                        # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
                        proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
                        # /dev/sdb1
                        UUID=db16e84e-6401-4f07-815c-9e555189a78e / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
                        # /dev/sdb5
                        UUID=36cf2f85-c8b5-4050-b8ea-a9ca24795a23 none swap sw 0 0
                        /dev/sda1 /media/sda ntfs-3g nouser,defaults,atime,exec,force 0 2
                        /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0 0
                        /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto,exec 0 0

                        Is that a little more clear?


                          Re: problem with ntfs&amp;fat32 partitions

                          I wrote in consol:

                          dusan@kubuntu:~$ sudo mkdir /media/sda
                          [sudo] password for dusan:
                          dusan@kubuntu:~$ cd /media

                          what now,I am stuck.where to type this:/etc/fstab

                          And where to add this:/dev/sda1 /media/sda ntfs-3g nouser,defaults,atime,exec,force 0 2


                            Re: problem with ntfs&amp;fat32 partitions

                            You can edit your /etc/fstab file with Kate.

                            Press Alt-F2 and in the little window enter
                            kdesu kate /etc/fstab
                            It would be wise to make a backup, by "File>Save as" and saving it as fstab.bak, then edit it, then "save as" fstab.


                              Re: problem with ntfs&amp;fat32 partitions

                              I done that but on HD with windows xp ther is a message permissions denied.What to do now?

