Re: Hi, new user. Just installed Kubuntu 7.10 on my laptop
Be careful with doing this, as it may leave lots of 'dirt' in your filesystem which can later cause conflicts with subsequent installation/upgrades. I recommend bookmarking any thread you are using, so you can go back later.
Additionally, try to follow one thread through and ask questions in that thread. Hopefully the author of the post you are following will be able to assist you and later make changes to provide clarification. I for one follow the ubuntu thread you have been using to assist anyone who is using it. Another thing to note, some users have their IM accounts available on the forums. I have no issue with helping via IM if necessary, provided I am available.
Originally posted by CJW
Additionally, try to follow one thread through and ask questions in that thread. Hopefully the author of the post you are following will be able to assist you and later make changes to provide clarification. I for one follow the ubuntu thread you have been using to assist anyone who is using it. Another thing to note, some users have their IM accounts available on the forums. I have no issue with helping via IM if necessary, provided I am available.