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SOLVED! - After Using Printer for a week, get "Printer Not Connected" Error

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    SOLVED! - After Using Printer for a week, get "Printer Not Connected" Error

    Solved for me. Please see my followup post for details. Hope it helps someone else in their search for solutions. Thanks to Snowhog for the etiquette tip about marking my original post as "Solved".

    Tom Weeks


    This one is mystifying me. I am indeed a Linux novice, but I have been using computers at home and at work since 1982.

    I recently installed Kubuntu 7.10 on its own dedicated hard drive in one of my computers at home, so when I boot to Linux, it is essentially a Linux box. I have an Epson Stylus C64 USB printer connected to this machine. Soon ater installing Kubuntu 7.10, I "added" this printer via KDE's SYSTEM SETTINGS > PRINTERS > ADD. All went smoothly. I used the Epson Stylus C64 foomatic/gutenprint-ijs.5.0 driver. The printer was immediately available and operational.

    Two days ago, while printing from Firefox, I ran out of paper in the middle of the print job. When I added paper and tried to complete the job, nothing happened. I went to SYSTEM SETTINGS>PRINTERS, selected my printer, clicked on the "jobs" tab and removed the pending job. Then I tried a test print -- nothing happened. I selected (highlighted) the test print job and checked the "job IPP report". The value for job-printer-state-message was "Printer not connected; will retry in 30 seconds...". The value for job-printer-state-reason was "connecting to device".

    I have searched high and low through forums, documentation, on the web etc. and can't find any advice that exactly applies to my situation. Following advice given to others I have done the following (to no avail):

    Stopped and restarted CUPS

    Removed the printer and "re-added" it using the same driver

    Reinstalled CUPS (all packages that were installed when the printer was working) and then removed and reinstalled the printer again using the known good driver

    Installed TurboPrint and tried using their drivers -- with the exact same results as with the foomatic/gutenprint driver.

    It is as though there is a hardware connectivity problem, BUT... all other USB devices work properly under Linux, and when I boot to my Windows XP (Pro) hard drive, the printer works flawlessly, And there is the fact that the only event of note that preceded this sudden failure was my running out of paper in the middle of a print job.

    Can anyone help me? I am at my wits end.

    Tom Weeks

    Re: After Using Printer for a week, suddenly get "Printer Not Connected" Error -

    I hope someone has a suggestion because oddly enough this just happened with my Samsung ML1610! Very strange.


      Re: After Using Printer for a week, suddenly get "Printer Not Connected" Error -

      Good news for me -- I fixed my problem

      1-I removed and reinstalled my printer driver at http://localhost:631 (CUPS) -- this did not fix my problem, but when testing the printer I got new useful error info, namely that there was a permissions problem.

      2- I searched the forum and found the following advice about changing the /udev/ permissions file. The forum poster's path to his file was not the same as mine, and the format of the file itself was slightly different, but, by applying the following advice to my slightly different /udev/ permissions file, I was able to change the permissions file (on my system this is located at /etc/udev/rules.d/40-permissions.rules) and my printer problem was solved!


      Quote from

      Re: Stange Cups Problem: "/dev/lp0": Permission denied
      Problem still exists in Kubuntu 5.10, Breezy Badger
      The solution has changed somewhat due to changes in udev.
      The problem can be recognised in the print tool by looking at the IPP report, where it says ""/dev/lpx": Permission denied", where x ranges from 0 to 9.
      Indeed, on "ls -l /dev/usb/lp*" one sees that only root has access, so cupsd not.

      To solve: open /etc/udev/permissions.rules
      and do the changes:
      BUS=="usb", KERNEL=="lp[0-9]*", GROUP="lp"
      BUS=="usb", KERNEL=="lp[0-9]*", MODE="0660", OWNER="lp", GROUP="lp"

      SUBSYSTEM=="printer", GROUP="lp"
      SUBSYSTEM=="printer", OWNER="lp", GROUP="lp"

      This solved the problem for me. Switch off the printer, switch back on, and now "ls -l /dev/usb/lp*" shows that lp has the required access.
      Go to the print tool, restart the printer, and yes, the jobs start flowing!

      NOTE >>>>In my (Tom Weeks) permissions file the relevant lines (after changing) are:

      # Printers and Parallel devices
      SUBSYSTEM=="printer", OWNER="lp", GROUP="lp"
      SUBSYSTEM=="ppdev", GROUP="lp"
      SUBSYSTEM=="usb", KERNEL=="lp[0-9]*", MODE="0660", OWNER="lp", GROUP="lp"

      I hope this helps you.

      I still have a printer problem -- using the foomatic/gutenprint driver, my printer will not eject the final page of a print job. When I use the TurboPrint driver, the page WILL eject However, using the FREE version, I can only print low resolution copy. Using higher resolutions triggers the addition of a rather large watermark to the pages. I am not cheap, but I am philosophically opposed to tying myself to a non-free printer driver, so I probably won't be buying their commercial driver, even though it's only about $30.00 US and works quite well.

      Tom Weeks


        Re: After Using Printer for a week, suddenly get "Printer Not Connected" Error -

        Please go to your first post in this thread and click the modify button and change the Subject line to add SOLVED at the beginning.
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Re: SOLVED! - After Using Printer for a week, get "Printer Not Connected" Error

          Thanks for posting this solution. I was having to manually reset the permissions on lp0 every time I booted to print.


            Re: SOLVED! - After Using Printer for a week, get "Printer Not Connected" Error

            May I add MY thanks! I couldn't get my Brother 1440 laser printer to work until I applied this fix - this was, for me the key part of the deal -

            # Printers and Parallel devices
            SUBSYSTEM=="printer", OWNER="lp", GROUP="lp"
            SUBSYSTEM=="ppdev", GROUP="lp"
            SUBSYSTEM=="usb", KERNEL=="lp[0-9]*", MODE="0660", OWNER="lp", GROUP="lp"

            Then turning printer off and back on, and...the print started coming.

            Whew! Thank you so much.


              Re: SOLVED! - After Using Printer for a week, get "Printer Not Connected" Error

              Yes, I also have to add MY thanks, your post made my printer (Brother MFC-5440CN) come back to live.

              I have been without printing for 4 weeks!

              Thanks again!

