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How to partition to install Vista and later run it from Kubuntu?

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    How to partition to install Vista and later run it from Kubuntu?

    I am totally new at Kubuntu. Can someone tell me how to set up partitions in Kubuntu? How to install XP and Vista later? How to run it from Kubuntu? I have the lattest full iso version of 7.1 and I have a Dell Inspiron 1501 with Turion 64 X2 TL-50 with 2Gb Ram, 120HD, ATI X1100 256MB...

    Re: How to partition to install Vista and later run it from Kubuntu?

    First things first.

    What OS is already on the PC? Have you burned the .iso file to CD (or DVD if you downloaded the Alternate Installation .iso file)? If you have burned the .iso successfully, have you tested it by booting from it?
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: How to partition to install Vista and later run it from Kubuntu?

      It has Vista Home Premium. The Kubuntu Gutsy iso, I downloaded the DVD iso. What I want to do is install Kubuntu, then create a partition to install Vista (what actually I don´t know how to do it) and then run Vista or XP using Wine.


        Re: How to partition to install Vista and later run it from Kubuntu?

        Well, that's a heap 'o questions, and not all related to Linux, huh?

        Are you intending to REPLACE Win XP with Vista, or to ADD Vista to the system when it already has Kubuntu and Win XP? If it's the latter, you're kind of pushing that 120GB hard drive, I would say -- you'll have more space consumed by OS's than you'll have for user data, I fear. But I'm sure it's possible.

        Generally, I know that Vista requires 2 primary partitions for itself, and the main one for the OS needs to be fairly large -- I don't know the recommended size -- you should check that out.

        So I'd say the general scheme would be to make 4 primary partitions, with the Vista "recovery" partition (#1) and the Vista "main OS" partitions (#2) sized according to what Microsoft says they need to be. If you intend to replace XP with Vista, then that #2 partition would be the place to install XP. The #3 partition would be a large one for your shared data. The #4 partition would be an "Extended" type, and within that one you would make your 3 logical partitions for Kubuntu: (1) a swap partition of 0.5GB unless you intend to use "hibernate" in which case it needs to be 2GB to match your RAM, (2) a 6GB partition for the main filesystem "/", and (3) as much space as you have left for "/home", bearing in mind that shared data need not fit within the Linux partitions.

        So, that would be the general guidance, subject to learning more about your plans and the requirements for Vista partitions.

        EDIT: I see that Speedy Snowhog has out-typed me again! Well, those are good questions too. It is possible to simply shrink the existing Vista installation, which is already using 2 partitions, and add the other two that I described.


          Re: How to partition to install Vista and later run it from Kubuntu?

          Put what dibl tells you with this:
          Vista *** The definitive dual-booting guide: Linux, Vista and XP step-by-step

          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


            Re: How to partition to install Vista and later run it from Kubuntu?

            First of all, thanks very much for the quick response. Is my first time using a Linux OS and I feel like a lion in the middle of Syberia...

            Let's said that I just installed Kubuntu as my primary OS... and then I would like to install XP Pro... How I do this? I don't even know a command in Linux.

            I have a friend who is running Kubuntu and using Wine runs XP.

            Thanks again for all your help!


              Re: How to partition to install Vista and later run it from Kubuntu?

              Originally posted by dibl
              EDIT: I see that Speedy Snowhog has out-typed me again! Well, those are good questions too. It is possible to simply shrink the existing Vista installation, which is already using 2 partitions, and add the other two that I described.
              Shrinking the Vista Volume (the second one - leave the smaller first volume alone) is absolutely required. If you don't, you can't install any other OS to the HD. Vista 'owns' the entire volume, even though it isn't all used. You also need to disable/delete any Restore Points that may have been created. This feature takes up a lot of space on the HD.
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Re: How to partition to install Vista and later run it from Kubuntu?

                Originally posted by andyrs7

                Let's said that I just installed Kubuntu as my primary OS... and then I would like to install XP Pro... How I do this?
                Heh heh heh -- then I'd say you did the first thing wrong!

                Unless it is critically important that you not install Kubuntu again, the (far) easier way to get to a dual-boot system with XP and Linux is to install XP first, and Linux second. It certainly possible in the other sequence, but you'll be studying Qqmike's Grub Toolkit a LOT!


                  Re: How to partition to install Vista and later run it from Kubuntu?

                  Yup. Windows has a voracious appetite, and it likes to 'eat' other operating systems! :P
                  Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                  Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                  "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                    Re: How to partition to install Vista and later run it from Kubuntu?

                    Thanks again to all of you for the light on the path. I wanted to do this as long as a friend of mine did it. She is now traveling, so I can't ask her how she did it.

                    What I can say is she'd install Kubuntu, after that, she install XP, but she runs XP from Kubuntu using Wine, like you have a window running XP. The point of this is, according with my friend, XP runs much better at this way and she still able to install software in the XP.

                    In my case, I have to use Adobe CS3 for work and I would like to play Crysis either.


                      Re: How to partition to install Vista and later run it from Kubuntu?

                      Hi, it sounds to me like your friend is actually running XP as a virtual machine from something like VMware (not WINE).

                      You can certainly use WINE to run Windows applications (like your CS3) as this provides a runtime environment for them in a similar way to how the Java runtime environment does for Java programs.
                      WINE will not run a full XP installation though, it is only able to provide an environment where programs written for XP can run.

                      Personally, I would shrink the volume that your Vista installation is on and set this up as a dual boot.
                      From experience, you will need to leave it at least 40GB. It does not take much to bloat an install of Vista to 30GB.
                      It is definitely easier to set up the dual boot if you install Kubuntu last.

                      Install Kubuntu into the free space created and spend some time getting to know it. You will find that as your familiarity increases and you overcome the hurdles that you are bound to encounter that you will spend less and less time in Vista, but for sure don't be shy about booting into that when you need to just get stuff done in a familiar environment.
                      Here is a good guide for installing installing Kubuntu that should also help you understand what is going on.

                      Once you are comfortable with Kubuntu set yourself up a virtual machine, there seem to be quite a few others out there doing this and some good guides.

                      Actually, you could just get VMware server for windows and set up a Kubuntu virtual machine or two. That way you can get familiar with the way Kubuntu installs and experiment with it, all without making any permanent changes to your existing system while you get comfortable with the process.

                      I had my old PC to play with when I started out in Linux, after building my new box.
                      That worked out great, I totally borked it a few times before I got it sorted.
                      You definitely do not want to be learning it on your main or only computer, so try the VM first.
                      You don't need a license to drive a sandwich.

