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application loads and disappears

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    application loads and disappears

    hi all am using kubuntu breezy... i dunno what happened but whenever i start yahoo messenger, avg anti virus the application looks as if it is loaded with the mouse pionter changing into appropriate icon but after sometime the button on the task bar disappears and the application does not open........
    help plz.... thnk you

    Re: application loads and disappears

    is it possible to do something like restore in windows........


      Re: application loads and disappears

      You need to try running the apps from a terminal window to see what errors there are. It sounds like there are missing dependencies, most likely. You can find the correct commands if you open the menu editor and browse for your programs.


        Re: application loads and disappears

        this is the error i get at console

        sriram@indira:/usr/bin$ ymessenger
        Segmentation fault

        sriram@indira:/usr/bin$ avggui
        No module named pygtk
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "", line 23, in ?
        NameError: name 'sys' is not defined


          Re: application loads and disappears

          you will need to install either python-gtk2 or python-gtk-1.2, most likely the first one for AVG. python-gtk-1.2 is in the universe repository, so that will need to be enabled in your /etc/apt/sources.list.

          as for ymessenger, you need to install libgtk1.2 (also in universe) but installing python-gtk-1.2 should automatically install this as it is a dependency.

          yahoo is using the older gtk version 1.2 for the UI, which is kinda clunky. ymessenger usually works fine, but imo most people end up migrating to kopete or gaim for stability and features.


            Re: application loads and disappears

            thnx a million for ur help.............

