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Sharing between Kubuntu/XP

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    Sharing between Kubuntu/XP

    Hi All,

    I have looked through everything I can find regarding sharing a directory between my notebook running Kubuntu and my desktop running XP connected through a hub. This has left me incredibly confused and frustrated.

    Is there any simple way to do share a directory - any directory - on either the notebook or the desktop. At this stage I don't even much care whether it is secure or not. I have tried setting up Samba but my notebook is not displayed in My Network Places and, frankly, I don't know where to begin troubleshooting. I've come to believe that setting up samba is beyond my basic knowledge of networking. So is there any super simple solution to my problem?

    Sorry for the exasperated tone but I have spent many hours and feel much more confused than when I began.


    Re: Sharing between Kubuntu/XP

    Here is pretty good place to start:
    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
    4 GB Ram
    Kubuntu 18.10


      Re: Sharing between Kubuntu/XP

      Originally posted by Fintan
      Here is pretty good place to start:
      Thanks for the link. I've come across that site in my travels - I'll have another look at it and see if I can find any tweaks I missed, but I'd really prefer a simpler alternative to samba, if one exists.


        Re: Sharing between Kubuntu/XP

        Samba was made especially for Lin / Win networks. Couls you post your smb.config file?
        It resides under: /etc/samba/smb.config.
        HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
        4 GB Ram
        Kubuntu 18.10


          Re: Sharing between Kubuntu/XP

          Originally posted by Fintan
          Samba was made especially for Lin / Win networks. Couls you post your smb.config file?
          It resides under: /etc/samba/smb.config.
          Here's my smb.config file.

          ; General server settings
          netbios name = marmaduke
          server string =
          workgroup = MSHOME
          announce version = 5.0

          passdb backend = tdbsam
          security = user
          null passwords = true
          username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
          name resolve order = hosts wins bcast

          wins support = no

          printing = CUPS
          printcap name = CUPS

          syslog = 1
          syslog only = yes

          ; NOTE: If you need access to the user home directories uncomment the
          ; lines below and adjust the settings to your hearts content.
          ;valid users = %S
          ;create mode = 0600
          ;directory mode = 0755
          ;browseable = no
          ;read only = no
          ;veto files = /*.{*}/.*/mail/bin/

          ; NOTE: Only needed if you run samba as a primary domain controller.
          ; Not needed as this config doesn't cover that matter.
          ;path = /var/lib/samba/netlogon
          ;admin users = Administrator
          ;valid users = %U
          ;read only = no

          ; NOTE: Again - only needed if you're running a primary domain controller.
          ;path = /var/lib/samba/profiles
          ;valid users = %U
          ;create mode = 0600
          ;directory mode = 0700
          ;writeable = yes
          ;browseable = no

          ; NOTE: Inside this place you may build a printer driver repository for
          ; Windows - I'll cover this topic in another HOWTO.
          path = /var/lib/samba/printers
          browseable = yes
          guest ok = yes
          read only = yes
          write list = root
          create mask = 0664
          directory mask = 0775

          path = /tmp
          printable = yes
          guest ok = yes
          browseable = no

          ; Uncomment if you need to share your CD-/DVD-ROM Drive
          ;[DVD-ROM Drive]
          ;path = /media/cdrom
          ;browseable = yes
          ;read only = yes
          ;guest ok = yes

          path = /home/samba/
          browseable = yes
          read only = no
          guest ok = no
          create mask = 0644
          directory mask = 0755
          force user = adam
          force group = adam


            Re: Sharing between Kubuntu/XP

            Well I am not a samba guru but I can't see anything drastic.

            I have my samba connecting with my vmare xp without password verification.

            Here is my samba.config as a reference:


            workgroup = FINTANHOME
            interfaces = eth0
            map to guest = bad user


            path = /Data
            read only = no
            guest ok = yes
            case sensitive = no
            strict locking = no
            force user = fintan


            printing = cups
            path = /var/tmp
            printable = yes
            guest ok = yes
            guest only = yes
            Just one thought:
            I have tried setting up Samba but my notebook is not displayed in My Network Places
            Your shares won't automatically show up. You have to tell your windows network that it is there. Make sure samba is running, in doubt do:
            /etc/init.d/samba restart
            in a terminal. Samba takes a while to start up (5-10min)
            In windows you'll have to go into start->system settings->network settings-> configure small hoe or office network (or something like that, mine is in german) and setup a network with the same workgroup and it should find it after a reboot (windows loves reboots).

            You could tweak my smb.config (workgroup, share name and address, etc) to fit your needs and see if it works. As I pointed out I don't need password protection on this machine.

            I hope this gets us further

            Edit: As an afterthought your shares must be either fat32 or ntfs formated for windows to be able to read them. There is a program for reading ext3 files in windows but I have never used it.
            HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
            4 GB Ram
            Kubuntu 18.10


              Re: Sharing between Kubuntu/XP

              Originally posted by Fintan
              Edit: As an afterthought your shares must be either fat32 or ntfs formated for windows to be able to read them. There is a program for reading ext3 files in windows but I have never used it.
              Actually, I am not a Guru either, far from it, but as the share is hosted by the server the file system does not matter.
              I have a samba server running on my Ubuntu machine that my one remaining Windows XP PC accesses.
              I have no problems reading and writing to the ext3 file system on the host from Windows.
              It actually works a lot better from the Windows machine than it does from my other Linux ones.
              Samba plays well with Windows, but not quite so well with Linux.
              It seems to be aimed mostly at Linux servers working with Windows clients.

              I can certainly understand the frustration getting samba working, been there done that.
              My config is not particularly pretty, but has windows user authentication (directory access control) and works ok.

              Look out Samba 3 by example on the samba website.
              It has a few config file examples for different scenarios that you can just copy paste and tweak.
              It also explains what is going on very well, straight from the horses mouth so to speak.
              This has been the most invaluable resource that I have found to get it working.
              Read the guide, and have a little patience. Block out some time to play with it, without other pressures (kids, wives etc).
              It should only take about an hour or so once you have got a grasp of what the guide is giving you.

              Here is the relevant part of my smb.config file:

              path = /media/UbuntuShare/Media
              available = yes
              browsable = yes
              public = yes
              guest ok = yes
              writable = no

              path = /media/Working/WorkingDirectory
              available = yes
              browsable = yes
              public = yes
              guest ok = yes
              writable = yes

              Note that the media folder is read only, and the other is read/write.
              Make sure that you set up your users in samba so that it can authenticate against what windows is passing to it.

              Also, make sure that there are no spaces in the directory path. That caused me a lot of grief and wasted time trying to map to them.

              If you want to share a folder residing on your windows box you will only need smbfs on your laptop.
              Create the share on your windows box, with no spaces in the share name, and don't hide it. Allow guests to modify contents.
              Create a folder to mount it to on your lap top.
              Add the shared folder path (I have found that using the ip address works better than the host name) and the mount point to your /etc/fstab file as an smbfs file system, eg: // /media/Working smbfs rw,users 0 0
              Once you have these steps in place, open a terminal and type: sudo mount "mountpoint"

              That should hopefully put a smile on your face.
              You don't need a license to drive a sandwich.


                Re: Sharing between Kubuntu/XP

                Actually, I am not a Guru either, far from it, but as the share is hosted by the server the file system does not matter.
                I have a samba server running on my Ubuntu machine that my one remaining Windows XP PC accesses.
                I have no problems reading and writing to the ext3 file system on the host from Windows.
                It actually works a lot better from the Windows machine than it does from my other Linux ones.
                I stand corrected

                And you are right this is a good guide:
                HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                4 GB Ram
                Kubuntu 18.10


                  Re: Sharing between Kubuntu/XP

                  Thanks Fintan, you have posted a lot of stuff that has helped me come to grips with *buntu.
                  Must say though, one of the things that has slowed my learning down is that once set, nothing breaks!
                  I have to keep trying new stuff to get the challenges going again.
                  You don't need a license to drive a sandwich.


                    Re: Sharing between Kubuntu/XP

                    Your welcome. I am just glad to ive some of the stuff back to the community that has helped me along.

                    Must say though, one of the things that has slowed my learning down is that once set, nothing breaks!
                    I have to keep trying new stuff to get the challenges going again.
                    Well, to keep you busy and provided you have the space, you could always install a second version of gutsy to play around with
                    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                    4 GB Ram
                    Kubuntu 18.10


                      Re: Sharing between Kubuntu/XP

                      Originally posted by Fintan
                      Well, to keep you busy and provided you have the space, you could always install a second version of gutsy to play around with
                      Yup, I have gutsy on board as well, I overwrote my windows installation with this a little while back.
                      And space? Is 2x320gb + 1x200gb on my main pc and 2x320gb on my server enough?
                      Must be a sicko to have more storage at home than some enterprises have.
                      Moving to Australia soon too, so looking at buying a couple of 1tb drives to take my stuff over on.
                      I will be separated from my babies for some time, family is coming over later, and I will need to build another box for me once there.
                      You don't need a license to drive a sandwich.

