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Configuring Konqueror

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    Configuring Konqueror

    I have really come to like konqueror, maybe even more than firefox, but there are two issues that are keeping me from using it exclusively that maybe someone here can help me with. First, while I have gotten to like the whole 'middle-click = paste' thing, the one place I don't like it is on tabs. I would rather have a middle click close a tab. Is it possible to configure this? Also, I would like a suggestion on a download manager that works with konqueror, preferably one that works as a status bar or side bar. Thanks.

    Re: Configuring Konqueror

    Originally posted by kevinhill
    I have really come to like konqueror, maybe even more than firefox, but there are two issues that are keeping me from using it exclusively that maybe someone here can help me with. First, while I have gotten to like the whole 'middle-click = paste' thing, the one place I don't like it is on tabs. I would rather have a middle click close a tab. Is it possible to configure this? Also, I would like a suggestion on a download manager that works with konqueror, preferably one that works as a status bar or side bar. Thanks.
    Don't know about the middle click, but the download manager (you'll love it) that I recommend is Kget
    <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(


      Re: Configuring Konqueror

      not too shabby, but anyone know one that intigrates into the sidebar?


        Re: Configuring Konqueror

        I know it doesn't integrate into the sidebar, but there is a drop target, you can put it on the side, and pretend it's a sidebar maybe :P
        <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(

