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    I need help just mounting a regular drive my comp recognizes it ok but i cant find it in kubuntu anywhere nor do i know how to mount it its just a small drive with windows on it i would like to save window but dont really need to I was going to use it to switch back and forth like just change the boot order if i wanted to boot into windows i dont even know if th=at would work or not but anyway just mounting it now would be a great help. thx.

    Re: mounting

    If you go into system settings>advanced>disk and file systems then you should be able to set a mount point for it, eg. /media/windows/ (I think at some point in that you also need to click a button that says admin mode).
    That will mount it, but only as read only. If you want to write to it then press alt+f2 (run command) and type 'kdesu konqueror'. Then navigate to the drive, right-click and select properties, go to the permissions tab and set it so everyone has read/write privileges to it.


      Re: mounting

      That hdd is not there it does not show up


        Re: mounting

        In a terminal window (kmenu-system-konsole) paste the output of

        lshw -C disk and give us a bit of info(size and maker) about the drive so we can determine which drive in the listing you are trying to mount.


          Re: mounting

          warning you should run this program as super user its a fuji 6GB with windows on it it was recognized at install i could have put the os on it if i wanted and imust reiterate it does NOT show up in system settings disks & file systems.


            Re: mounting

            The error doesn't matter it should still give a listing. I wanted you to paste the output of the command as well.

            Also do you have ntfs-3g installed? If it is windows and formatted ntfs you will need this package installed.


              Re: mounting

              yea i do have ntfs-3g sry i took so long to reply what is the command exactly that i should paste ?? and there is no mount point in disks and filesystems but when i start up it gives me the option to boot from that drive with windows and i can no problem so i know the drive is being recognized and is functional.


                Re: mounting

                ok i got the command right this time this is what i get:

                todd@tyrram:~$ lshw -C
                Hardware Lister (lshw) - B.02.10
                usage: lshw [-format] [-options ...]
                lshw -version

                -version print program version (B.02.10)

                format can be
                -html output hardware tree as HTML
                -xml output hardware tree as XML
                -short output hardware paths
                -businfo output bus information

                options can be
                -class CLASS only show a certain class of hardware
                -C CLASS same as '-class CLASS'
                -disable TEST disable a test (like pci, isapnp, cpuid, etc. )
                -enable TEST enable a test (like pci, isapnp, cpuid, etc. )
                -quiet don't display status


                  Re: mounting

                  lshw -C disk


                    Re: mounting

                    description: SCSI Disk
                    product: ST313021A
                    vendor: ATA
                    physical id: 0.0.0
                    bus info: scsi@0:0.0.0
                    logical name: /dev/sda
                    version: 3.03
                    serial: 6CT09335
                    size: 12GB
                    capabilities: partitioned partitioned:dos
                    configuration: ansiversion=5
                    description: SCSI CD-ROM
                    product: CD-ROM CDU701-Q
                    vendor: COMPAQ
                    physical id: 0.1.0
                    bus info: scsi@1:0.1.0
                    logical name: /dev/cdrom
                    logical name: /dev/scd0
                    logical name: /dev/sr0
                    version: 1.0r
                    serial: [COMPAQ CD-ROM CDU701-Q 1.0r
                    capabilities: removable audio
                    configuration: ansiversion=5 status=open
                    doesnt show the drive im trying to mount


                      Re: mounting

                      You will get more (useful) information with the following command, issued in a console shell:
                      sudo fdisk -l
                      Copy/paste the results for review.
                      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                        Re: mounting

                        I thought I posted a response yesterday.

                        Can you see the drive with sudo fdisk -l as snowhog suggested?

                        If not I think you will need to look over your dmesg output after you boot the machine and see if there is any clue. If you want you can try to post it, there will be a lot of output.


                        in a terminal window. This is an internal drive correct?

