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    Hi there, I installed Kubuntu 7.04 (I think) yesterday and I'm having problems with it.

    1. I can't get the right screen resolution, when I get a suitable one though it is positioned wrong and some of the image is cut off
    2. I can't use the internet, I've looked everywhere for a place to set up the settings, but I can't find them. If it helps I use AOL

    Could you help me with either of these? Thanks

    Re: Problems....

    I'll try -- sounds like multiple issues going on there.

    1. Why not install the current released version, which is 7.10?

    2. Screen/video -- maybe this will help. Do Ctrl-Alt-F1 to get the "terminal" aka console:

    3. Internet connectivity is a different issue. Was your machine connected to your router or modem in the normal fashion at the time that you installed Kubuntu? It should be. Are you using wired or wireless? Wireless is tricky, apparently -- I don't use it and can't advise you, but there are about a zillion posts on the topic here and on Ubuntu Forum. Search the Fora with your wireless chip, if that's the case.


      Re: Problems....

      Originally posted by dibl
      I'll try -- sounds like multiple issues going on there...
      Hi there, thanks for your help, is there any way of installing 7.10 without having to write a LiveCD? also, when I install the new version, will the installer give me an option to remove the old one?

      I'll try your other suggestions when I boot up Linux next.


        Re: Problems....

        1. I can't get the right screen resolution, when I get a suitable one though it is positioned wrong and some of the image is cut off
        It sounds as if you are using a crt and the position is a bit out of alignment, correct?

        If so I think you have two options. If you are only running linux you should be able to use the on screen display of the monitor itself and use the monitor adjustments to position the display and size it properly. It isn't unusual to have to do this when you change display drivers.
        If you run windows as well you probably don't want to do this because it might then mess up the display in windows.
        In that case I would use adept to install xvidtune. This allows you to make adjustments such as positioning. You can load this application from a terminal window and can also
        man xvidtune
        in terminal window for a help screen on the application.

        If you are confused by anything I have said post back.

        2. I can't use the internet, I've looked everywhere for a place to set up the settings, but I can't find them. If it helps I use AOL
        You are on dial-up connected directly to your modem?

        If so you would normally use kppp. You can either run kppp from a run dialogue, a terminal window or kmenu-internet-kppp.
        It isn't much different from setting up windows. If you have problems, such as recognizing your modem post back.


          Re: Problems....

          Originally posted by lewys93

          is there any way of installing 7.10 without having to write a LiveCD?
          Well, it's either Live CD or (my personal preference) Alternate Install CD.

          The last time I installed "over" a previous installation (Gutsy RC over Feisty), I got a warning message regarding "files might not be converted correctly" or something like that. Not wanting to fool around with issues like that, I used GParted and formatted the partition that I intended to use for "/", so there was nothing there. Then Gutsy installed on it with zero issues.

          Otherwise, opie's advice is good, on the screen issue and the dial-up modem.

