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Three problems

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    Three problems

    Kubuntu 7.10, Gutsy Gibbon on Dell Optiplex GX150.

    Trying to install VirtualBox, using GDebi pakage installer.
    I get this error and don't know what to do:

    Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libqt3-mt

    I can't use the Kubuntu repository because I cannot get my network to work
    so I can access the internet. I have a router with DHCP at and the computername is MOBY_4, network EXS_SOFT. I have two network cards in my system, the cable is plugged into the onboard ethernet.

    I am also having a problem with the display, see images below.
    [img width=400 height=266][/img]
    [img width=400 height=266][/img]
    There are colored vertical lines running through my display on my Optiplex.
    This has the on-board video, not sure what vendor,.

    Re: Three problems

    If you have cable connection, have you typed sudo pppoeconf in Konsol and written your whole email adress in username?


      Re: Three problems

      Konsol was not installed in this desktop installation and when I open terminal, it goes to a GUI login screen.


        Re: Three problems

        Trying to install VirtualBox, using GDebi pakage installer.
        I get this error and don't know what to do:

        Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libqt3-mt
        Do you have libqt3-mt - Qt GUI Library
        Qt GUI Library (Threaded runtime version), Version 3
        This is the Trolltech Qt library, version 3. It's necessary for
        applications that link against the, e.g. all KDE3
        About GDebi
        Maybe it this (if you have downloaded libqt3-mt):

        gdebi does not support multi-package installations

        gdebi should search for .debs in current folder

        Topic: Making Local Repository
        Before you edit, BACKUP !

        Why there are dead links ?
        1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
        2. Thread: Lost Information


          Re: Three problems

          You find Konsol under K-menu--> System


            Re: Three problems

            Just for future reference there is an app called ksnapshot that comes installed which is specifically for taking snapshots of your screen. Its much easier that using your camera. You can find it at kmenu>graphics>ksnapshot. There is also a keyboard shortcut that launches it but I can't remember what it is.


              Re: Three problems

              The GUI that was installed is called Xfce. I installed this from the
              Kubuntu 7.10 desktop downloaded here:

              there is an app called ksnapshot
              No such app on my Graphics menu. Only Gimp and GQView.

              You find Konsol under K-menu--> System
              No such app installed in the System menu. so I can't do this, either:
              have you typed sudo pppoeconf in Konsol


                Re: Three problems

                I think MrBaseball34 has a Xubuntu desktop, and not Kubuntu.

                XFCE is not available on a Kubuntu install disk, so you may want to check out the iso image, maybe try grabbing a fresh one from a different mirror. If yo install a true Kubuntu (KDE) system, you will have the libqt3-mt package installed and virtualbox won't have any trouble installing (I think)


                  Re: Three problems

                  Originally posted by MrBaseball34
                  there is an app called ksnapshot
                  No such app on my Graphics menu. Only Gimp and GQView.
                  Thats because ksnapshot is part of the kde default, but not xfce. That said if you do want it you can always install it from adept (although I imagine there would be a lot of dependencies to install)

                  Originally posted by MrBaseball34
                  You find Konsol under K-menu--> System
                  No such app installed in the System menu. so I can't do this, either:
                  have you typed sudo pppoeconf in Konsol
                  Again, konsole is the kde command line app, hence your not having it. The one in xfce is called Terminal (its the same one as gnome uses). That said the command
                  sudo pppoefonf
                  should likely still work for you in terminal.
                  That said its probably unnecessary as what claydoh says above will likely solve your problem.

                  Also as you use xfce you may be better posting over at the ubuntu forums. Everyone here uses kde but the ubuntu forums are supposed to be open to all versions ubuntu/xubuntu/edubuntu.


                    Re: Three problems

                    Originally posted by claydoh
                    I think MrBaseball34 has a Xubuntu desktop, and not Kubuntu.
                    Wow, I wonder how that happened. I downloaded from one of the kubuntu
                    mirrors. I just checked the CD and it does have a label XUBUNTU...

                    Thanks, I'll try again.


                      Re: Three problems

                      If you just use whatever the xfce equivalent of adept/synaptic is (the repository manager) to install the package kubuntu-desktop then you should get the option on login of choosing between kde and xfce. Saves you doing a full reinstall.


                        Re: Three problems

                        the OP doesn't yet have a net connection in linux, I believe, so at this point, using a package manager is not much use , yet


                          Re: Three problems

                          hmm, I think you may have a point. Completely forgot about the lack of internet connection. Oops.


                            [Update] Re: Three problems

                            Reinstalled UNBUNTU 7.10 and now have Internet access.
                            Will reinstall KUBUNTU desktop later on.

                            Thanks for the help...

