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Google Earth

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    Google Earth

    How does one use this program?

    At first, I could not start it. It would just crash on the start screen. I googled and discovered that one has problems with Google Earth if you have an ATI card and the proprietary driver fglrx installed. I googled and tried the suggested fix but it didn't work.

    I got the message: Google Earth: Recommend a Driver Update

    I ran Google Earth in the command line and eventually got this message returned:
    /usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin: /usr/lib/googleearth/ no version information available (required by /usr/lib/

    My current video card: ATI X300SE
    Driver installed: ATI fglrx 8.40.4

    Re: Google Earth

    I've used it in Kubuntu Gutsy, and Ubuntu Feisty without problems. I don't think Google Earth is in the Ubuntu repositories, so how are you getting it? If you're compiling from source, you may get some more specific error messages. Alternatively, if you downloaded a prepacked .deb, you may want to try the medibuntu repository which includes Google earth. Just add to you're repositories, with distribution "Gutsy" (or whatever you're using) and sections "free non-free".

