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Hjelp The noobie

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    Hjelp The noobie

    Trying to install Kubuntu 7.04. I put the Cd, restart, select Start or install blah blah blah, get only black screen. Nothing happens. Anyone knows what i could do to proceed? ..

    Re: Hjelp The noobie

    Is there a "F6 Options" button on that opening screen? You probably need a boot option or two -- "noapci" "nolapic" "VGA=791" "quiet" -- there are quite a few. If you search Ubuntu Forum on your laptop model, you may find that others have already posted the right option(s).

    And welcome, by the way.


      Re: Hjelp The noobie

      Hookay so i did some searching on the Ubuntu forums. Found few people with the same problem. They were answered to test the cd and try alternate cd. Well i tested both. When i chose to test the CD it just goes black, like in the install. Then i downloaded and burned (4x speed) the alternate cd. Booted to it and chose to install. Badang something shows up, which i think, is nothing good. It gives a error(? ): [0.464000] PCI:Cannot allocate resource region 1 of device 0000:00:4.0
      Well well... Like i had any idea what that means
      So because it showed some text, should i try to install it with the alternate cd? I'm still able to choose on wheter hard drive i want to install it, right? And if i keep trying with teh uber alternate, can you guys help me with that error?

      And thanks for the welcoming :P

      BTW: I didn't find any boot options (maybe wrong search phrases . Still i tried and added those four you told, but it didnt work


        Re: Hjelp The noobie

        Originally posted by LinuxWAnn

        (? ): [0.464000] PCI:Cannot allocate resource region 1 of device 0000:00:4.0
        Perfect! The problem was only a bad burn on the CD. This error means nothing -- I see it every time I boot my machine. I researched it once, and learned that the Linux kernel engineers consider it an Intel bug, and Intel considers it a Linux bug, and it doesn't actually do anything.

        BTW: I didn't find any boot options (maybe wrong search phrases . Still i tried and added those four you told, but it didnt work
        Sorry, I was thinking you had made a Live CD. I personally prefer that Alternate Install CD to do my installation, but if you have never run Linux on that hardware, you might be wise to make a Live CD and play around with it that way, just to make sure that there isn't some awful hardware problem lurking. For example, if you are dependent on a wireless Internet connection, you would wise to verify that you can get it to work with the Live CD before you commit to an installation.

        You may or may not need the boot options -- the Live CD would help answer that question too.


          Re: Hjelp The noobie

          Hmh it just shows that error and nothing happens...
          BUT i did use live cd before, when i got only blank. And the boot option thingies you told, were added in the live.

          So is there, like you said, a hardware problem ? Do i need to buy something new ?:S


            Re: Hjelp The noobie

            "So because it showed some text, should i try to install it with the alternate cd?"

            "So is there, like you said, a hardware problem ? Do i need to buy something new ?:S"

            The cannot allocate region error was while running the alternate cd correct?
            I think dibl means that, if this is the case, you should go ahead with the alternate install.


              Re: Hjelp The noobie

              Uhum i've been on vacation and couldn't answer, soo yes the region error was while i tried running the alternate CD. But it doesn't continue after that, if u mean that i should still try to install via dat alternate cd... It just freezes there, nothing happens. Btw, what is that OEM install under the "Install in text mode"? Should i try it, is there risks that i would lose my Vista by doing the OEM install (in case it runs) ?

              Aand i read from somewhere that a guy had a problem while installing UBUNTU but he bought a new monitor or something and it worked perfectly after that :S

              EDIT: Wonder were i too impatient? Should i wait more than few mins?


                Re: Hjelp The noobie

                Gotta bump this but... Well i got it installed. I had to add hpet=disable to boot options and it let me through. After finishing the install (live cd) i tried booting to my new os. Well well. It gave me that same annoying message like in the install: [0.464000] PCI:Cannot allocate resource region 1 of device 0000:00:4.0 . It doesn't start. Lal can i add that hpet=disable from anywhere, if that is use or whaddya i have to do...?


                  Re: Hjelp The noobie

                  Originally posted by LinuxWAnn
                  I had to add hpet=disable to boot options and it let me through.
                  Open a konsole shell. Type:
                  kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst
                  Scroll down to the first kernel line after the ## ## End Default Options ##
                  Add to the end of the kernel line hpet=disable
                  You can add this to the other kernel lines, in case you have to boot into them as well. If you want this to always be added to the kernel line in the /boot/grub/menu.lst (helpful when a kernel update is recieved) then locate the section of menu.lst that reads:
                  ## additional options to use with the default boot option, but not with the
                  ## alternatives
                  Add hpet=disable to the end of the line that reads:
                  # defoptions=
                  This will ensure that this option is always on the kernel line, even if a kernel update is received.
                  Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                  Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                  "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

