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installing proggrams

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    Re: installing proggrams

    To quote that link I posted:
    Firstly create a user with a home directory (no special privilidges required)
    Once you have created the user account you MUST type the following command else you will run into permission problems on most of the distros mentioned above:
    chown -R username:users /home/userdir
    Next consider how many users you will have, if above 1000 we must set a system limit for this, type:
    nano /etc/security/limits.conf (nano, pico, vim, whichever you prefer)
    add the following lines where you see similar:
    username soft nofile 10240 <<<< this number can be wotever you need
    username hard nofile 10240 <<<same as above
    Ok save the file and exit. Now we are ready to setup the hub for this user.
    su - username
    run through this script entering the desired information and rememeber no ports below 1024 as only root can use these. (if you need ports below i suggest you use your firewall to map them to the default port 4111 or whatever you are using.

    On completeion of this script you are done (providing it compelted without error which if you followed the guide above it should have.
    providing there is no issues the loop will start... hold ctrl+c to kill it and type vh_runhub to start it again in the backround.
    You are done, you may now delete the verlihub folder and all plugins folders and archives as you no longer need them, and go login to your hub and start messing with your settings to make it how you want.
    I recommend the danomac documentation to help you understand verlihub this can be found here
    To activate your plugins in the hub loginto it and type !onplug flood or forbid or chat or lua or msg and this will activate them. CVS users note: plugman is not installed by default with CVS versions as far as i rememeber so you will need to manually install and activte the plugman plugin if you wish to utilise its commands.
    If you experience any problems or theres something you feel i have missed then please reply to this post.
    To add multiple hubs just create a new user and run the vh_install script for that user rememebering to use a different port then the one you previously used You will not need to seperately install plugins for each user you never need to install them again unless updating which is doubtful lol
    Now then... wasnt that easy?
    Having installed it myself I can tell you that it hasn't been added to the menus but it is there (looked around and found a couple of files relating to it).


      Re: installing proggrams

      ok i totally screwed everything and i have to install kubuntu from scratch and im gonna do the verlihub install from scatch again too as soon as im done reinstalling shouldnt take to long then we shall see and thank you so much for posting all that it was a lot of work. I'll be back in about an hour or so to do this.


        Re: installing proggrams

        ok im gonna reinstall this prog and all its dependancies again from scratch according to former posts any warnings ??


          Re: installing proggrams

          i created the user now i get this:
          tyrram@buddha:~$ chown -R username:users /home/userdir
          chown: `username:users': invalid user
          tyrram@buddha:~$ chown -r username:users/home/userdir
          chown: invalid option -- r
          Try `chown --help' for more information.
          tyrram@buddha:~$ chown -R username;users/home/userdir
          chown: missing operand after `username'
          Try `chown --help' for more information.
          bash: users/home/userdir: No such file or directory


            Re: installing proggrams

            with the next line i get: GNU nano 2.0.6 File: /ect/security/limits.config Modified

            username soft nofile 2000
            username hard nofile 2000

            ^G Get Help ^O WriteOut ^R Read File ^Y Prev Page ^K Cut Text ^C Cur Pos
            ^X Exit ^J Justify ^W Where Is ^V Next Page ^U UnCut Text^T To Spell


              Re: installing proggrams

              and the os just crashed again my graphics are screwed up again i think we are done now. Im gonna put windows back on this system and put kubuntu on my 3rd to mess with if i can sort this stuff out ill give it another go on here but for now i think its bestto go back to windows untill i find a way around all these problems


                Re: installing proggrams

                tyrram@buddha:~$ chown -R username;users/home/userdir
                chown: missing operand after `username'

                Looks like a semi-colon instead of a colon after username.
                An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                  Re: installing proggrams

                  As far as I can tell (from looking at the manual (direct konqueror to man:chown)) the problem is that when you run this command you must replace the generic parts of it with the details of your specific user. So for example, my username is marshallbanana and my group (what users is referring to) is also marshallbanana (I could set this to whatever I want really) so the command in my case would be:

                  chown -R marshallbanana:marshallbanana /home/marshallbanana/

                  In your case the idea is to put in the details that pertain to the user you created in the first line (Firstly create a user with a home directory (no special privilidges required)). Note however that because of how ubuntu goes about creating home directories and setting their ownership this entire step (the chown command) is actually unnecessary in your case so just skip this line and go onto the next one.

                  Note: all the following instances of username in that guide should be treated likewise. Namely by replacing 'username' with the actual username you created in the first line.

