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installing proggrams

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    installing proggrams

    OK I need to know how to install program in kubuntu that didnt come with kubuntu they are called aquila, verlihub they are hub software for the dc++ network designed for linux. Im on my 5th linux distro and i must say i like this one best (Kubuntu that is) but no one will tell me how to install software and i cant figure it out ive been on 5 different forums since yesterday asking someone pls help me !!

    Re: installing proggrams

    If it's intalling from source, tarballs, and such, you might check out these:

    Compile from source:
    (all three are together and are cross-linked)

    Compile from source, Installing software (MANY links):
    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      Re: installing proggrams

      The first thing I would try would be the debian package. It may not work with ubuntu, but many do. If this doesn't work you can uninstall it and compile from source yourself.

      If you have installed these previously on debian based systems using apt-get the procedure will be the same for ubuntu.

      This gives instructions for verlihub. If you have any questions about this post back.

      Do you have links to the main site for the aquila.


        Re: installing proggrams

        thanks thats actually really helpful I didnt realize you had to compile things in linux I would have ran away if I knew that in advance but Im reading some simple directions for shell commands and what not and I guess Im turning into a turbo nerd but Im actually having fun aquila is it looks to me that verlihub would be better for me. What are debian packages ?? Ive been messing around with apt-get but i dont fully understand it. Is it a program to install programs with on debian ?? Those links are really helpful thx a lot. Ive never installed anything on any linux I've messed around with live distos b4 but this is really my 1st time seriously using it and I really do love it so far. once you get into it its ok im just so goddam sick of window and all its crap im ready to do anything to get as far away from it as i can.


          Re: installing proggrams

          Welcome to Kubuntu!

          I'd start here:

          (For commands, filesystems, mounting, etc.)

          (For anything/everything -- see what she says about installing software and apt and etc. -- refer to the left side bar on main page. Psychocats is written for Ubuntu, but the differences are trivial and concern just a few commands, at least for what we are talking about here.)
          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


            Re: installing proggrams

            Originally posted by TYRRAM
            What are debian packages ?? Ive been messing around with apt-get but i dont fully understand it. Is it a program to install programs with on debian ??
            Apt-get is a way of easily installing any programs that are listed in the repositories (by default just the ubuntu ones, although it is possible to add extra repos). For programs that are not in the repositories you have to find them online somewhere. There are two forms that are useful, debian packages which are files ending in .deb are very easy to install, just right click on the file and select install. The other is to find a copy of the source (it generally comes as a tarball, .tar.gz which is just a compression format) and then make and install this which is what Qqmikes first post is explaining how to do.

            So basically, when you want to install something, the first and easiest thing is to search for it in adept package manager (a visual front for apt-get). If you can't find it there then look around online for a .deb as these are also easy. If you can't get it either of these ways then find the .tar.gz and make and compile from this, this third method is not particularly difficult but it is definitely more work than the first two so try those to start.

            Just had a quick look and verlihub is in the repositories so you can just use adept for that one, however aquila is not.

            Just remembered, before you can compile you will have to install build-essential, kdelibs4-dev and automake1.9 using adept as they are not installed by default.


              Re: installing proggrams

              I would stick with verlihub for the time being since it has deb binaries.

              thanks thats actually really helpful I didnt realize you had to compile things in linux
              The typical user very seldom has to compile anything. The ubuntu repositories include most of what people would require. In many other cases there are prepackaged binaries available for the major linux distributions. It is just a matter of pointing apt-get to the package, as described below.

              What are debian packages ??
              These are prepackaged binaries that have been compiled to run in the debian distribution and, generally, those distros based on debian. Apt-get is the key package manager that handles installing these packages and keeping track of dependencies, which are other packages and libraries that the application may require but are not included. There are other package systems for other distributions such as rpm but you don't need to worry about that.

              Adept is the graphical front end for package management in the kde desktop.

              The link I gave you is asking you to modify your sources.list file, so that the package manager knows where to look for the package.

              It is best to save a backup of your sources.list file before doing this so you can restore it if something gets fouled up.

              sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sourcesbak.list
              This simply makes a copy of the file, which is located in the /etc/apt/ directory named sourcesbak.list. Sudo is needed so you have root permissions to write in the apt directory.


              kdesu kate /etc/apt/source.list
              will open the file in an editor. kdesu is the graphical version of sudo, for loading graphical applications (sudo is for the command line).

              Copy and append those two deb and deb-source lines to end of the file each on its own line. Then save the file

              In a terminal window at the command line apt-get update will then update the package information, which is necessary because you gave it additional locations to search for package information.

              Then the install line should download and install the package.
              At that point you will hopefully be able to run verlihub without problems.


                Re: installing proggrams

                Have a look:

                An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                  Re: installing proggrams

                  OK here is the site and prog i need to install
                  its called verlihub i run a hub on the dc++ network is this prog available in a debian package ?? I can get the tarball but really its useless to me because i really dont have the slightest clue how to compile even after reading directions for a full day whenever i attempt to compile anything that isnt an example in the compiling tutorials i just get file not found. i did manage to install some stuff with adept installer and one of them was debian package does that make me able to install a .deb if i managed to find one because really they sem to be the only kind of install i could manage at this point and im not even sure i could do that. Do you get .deb from debian repositories ? I did download something but i got some message saying that saving this type of file makes it unstable and i dont even know where it went. ahahahahah god i sound like such a noob pls forgive me i answer these same questions for ppl using windows really im not an idiot im just very very new to linux. i do appriciate all the help


                    Re: installing proggrams

                    what does all this mean ??
                    am i suppossed to enter that stuff into command line ?? because when i do i get tyrram@TYRRAM:~$ deb binary/
                    bash: deb: command not found
                    tyrram@TYRRAM:~$ deb-src source/
                    bash: deb-src: command not found
                    tyrram@TYRRAM:~$ deb binary/
                    bash: deb: command not found
                    tyrram@TYRRAM:~$ apt-get update
                    E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)
                    E: Unable to lock the list directory
                    tyrram@TYRRAM:~$ apt-get install verlihub
                    E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)
                    E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?


                      Re: installing proggrams

                      Originally posted by marshallbanana
                      Just had a quick look and verlihub is in the repositories so you can just use adept for that one
                      Go to kmenu>system>adept manager to launch adept. Then type verlihub into the search line, and then right click on it in the list below and select 'request install'. Now click the 'apply changes' button up the top.

                      Because its in the repositories you don't need to go anywhere near the website. Nice huh? Thats the power of apt-get.


                        Re: installing proggrams

                        i have this verlihub-0.9.8d_RC1-1.el5.i386.rpm on cd but what do i open it with and will it install anything ?/


                          Re: installing proggrams

                          Originally posted by TYRRAM
                          i have this verlihub-0.9.8d_RC1-1.el5.i386.rpm on cd but what do i open it with and will it install anything ?/
                          You don't need it. Just use adept to install as per my last post.


                            Re: installing proggrams

                            holy sh*t it worked thx marshallbanana can i do that with all progs in the deb repository ? it says it installed but where ?? where do i launch it ??


                              Re: installing proggrams

                              You definitely want to go with marshallbanana here, for sure.
                              Tuxfiles discusses .rpm files (packages), but, geez, most of us avoid that stuff like the plague, if at all possible.
                              An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

