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How set up my controller card

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    Re: How set up my controller card

    Yes can see drives in lshw, fdisk and dolphin. They have partions from W2K and NTFS format. They will not mount get hal-storage-fixed-mount-all-options refused uid 1000 in dolphin. Have to give up for the night.


      Re: How set up my controller card

      Ok that is good news.
      You are most likely getting that error message because they are ntfs.

      You have already copied the data you want off of those drives correct?

      If there is nothing left to save on them you don't need to mount them. Why don't you just partition them with fdisk and then format them.

      You should be able to get the logical name, such as /dev/sda from the lshw information. Just make sure not to partition your main system drive by mistake Within fdisk there are instructions for key use. p for example prints the present table and is a good way to doublecheck that you have the correct disk before you do anything. If you aren't familiar with fdisk post back and I can go into more detail. You can then format them with ext3 fs, either through the kmenu-system settings-advanced tabs- disks and filesystems or at the command line with mkfs.ext3

      If you would like to proceed with this and have any questions post your
      lshw -C disk
      results here for reference and we can walk you through it.


        Re: How set up my controller card

        I have used fdisk and mkfs and kmenu-system settings-advanced tabs- disks and filesystems. I now have two visible disks which are mounted and will remount after reboot. To do this I had allow anyone to be able to enable or disable the disks. I can see a lost+found in each disk but not open it. They seem to contain 11.8Gb of data? Also I managed to reset the mount point of partion 1 on the system disk. Currently in kmenu-system settings-advanced tabs- disks and filesystems it is /media and in dolphin it is /. Do I just change the permissions on the mount so that I can actually write to the drives?


          Re: How set up my controller card

          "Also I managed to reset the mount point of partion 1 on the system disk. Currently in kmenu-system settings-advanced tabs- disks and filesystems it is /media and in dolphin it is /."

          Does the first partition have your linux system files. You don't want to change the mount point from / or root.

          I would leave the system disk alone and not mess with that.

          "Do I just change the permissions on the mount so that I can actually write to the drives?"

          Show us the results of

          cat /etc/fstab

          You can't write to the two sata drives either?


            Re: How set up my controller card

            Changing the mount point was a mistake I never intended to and really was not aware I was doing it until after the fact. I thought the computer might not reboot but it did.

            Having changed it what should I do, its starting to look like a reinstall would be the easiest.

            Tried this and also writing from open office she no go! There is no sign of the folder in Dolphin, but then that is not sudo. In root though the folder was not created.

            Should I just reinstall??
            root@hmcfred:/media# mkdir \media\Volume01\test
            root@hmcfred:/media# ls --help > /media/Volume01/test/ls.text
            -bash: /media/Volume01/test/ls.text: No such file or directory
            root@hmcfred:/media# ls /media/Volume01

            root@hmcfred:~# cat /etc/fstab
            # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
            # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
            proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
            # /dev/sda1
            UUID=159e434f-f0d8-48fe-aeba-1050d79c503b / ext3 nouser,defaults,errors=remount-ro,atime,auto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 1
            # /dev/sda5
            UUID=6f08f053-c973-42c8-93af-e0386dd98370 none swap sw 0 0
            /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,atime,noauto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 0
            /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto user,atime,noauto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 0
            UUID=159e434f-f0d8-48fe-aeba-1050d79c503b /media/Volume01 ext3 nouser,atime,noauto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0
            UUID=159e434f-f0d8-48fe-aeba-1050d79c503b /media ext3 users,atime,auto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0
            UUID=c4bd8a51-113c-42e0-91af-3e1fcc2127c4 /media/Volume01 ext3 users,atime,auto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0
            UUID=9d57ef34-e68d-48fe-84ed-407cf9750e9e /media/Volume02 ext3 users,atime,auto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0


              Re: How set up my controller card

              A lost and found folder is in each partition. It holds recovered data from file system checks. Are you sure you have gigabytes of data in this directory? If so which partition is it on. This isn't a good sign if it is on your system disk partition. If it is in one of your newly formatted sata drives I don't know why that is happening.

              The second half of your fstab is a mess but it shouldn't be too much trouble to fix it, assuming your root partition is in good shape. You have two mount lines where you are trying to mount your root partition again.
              You are trying to mount 2 partitions(different UUID) on the same mount point and, unfortunately, one of them is your root partition.

              kdesu kate /etc/fstab
              Firstly we are NOT going to change anything at the floppy mount line or above. The first half of the file needs to be left alone.

              Underneath the floppy mount line you have your UUID for your root partition mounted again.
              UUID=159e434f-f0d8-48fe-aeba-1050d79c503b /media/Volume01 ext3 nouser,atime,noauto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0
              delete this line.

              Delete the line just underneath that which references the same UUID
              UUID=159e434f-f0d8-48fe-aeba-1050d79c503b /media ext3 users,atime,auto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0

              The line beginning
              UUID=c4bd8a51-113c-42e0-91af-3e1fcc2127c4 /media/Volume01 ext3
              is fine up to, and including the ext3. After ext3 change the
              users,atime,auto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0

              to (add a space after ext3 and then put this):
              defaults 0 2

              The line beginning
              UUID=9d57ef34-e68d-48fe-84ed-407cf9750e9e /media/Volume02 ext3
              change the

              users,atime,auto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0

              to(add space after ext3):
              defaults 0 3

              Now we will set permissions and ownership as they would typically be set for a home partition, which is probably how you want them to behave.

              In a terminal window
              sudo chown yourusername:yourusername /media/Volume01
              sudo chown yourusername:yourusername /media/Volume02
              Note you want to use whatever your user name is, followed by a colon and whatever your user name is again.
              This will change both the owner and group designation for that directory to your normal user.

              You should now be the owner of those directories so lets change permissions to rwxr-xr-x, which is typical. If you want to tighten this up so no one but your user login can even read the directories then thats your choice, but your home directory typically has these permissions so only you can write but others can read and list the directories.
              Then permissions will be set:
              chmod 755 /media/Volume01
              chmod 755 /media/Volume02

              At this point, on reboot your drives should be mounted properly. You should not need to manually mount them or fool around with disk and filesystem in your system settings.

              The one thing to be concerned about is what partitions lost and found directory all that junk exists

              I hope others will vet this for errors.


                Re: How set up my controller card

                Successfull thank you so much for your help.

                A couple of last queries. Dolphin reports the disks as having a size of 229.2GB of which 11.GB is used. I thought this must be in lost+found. To open it I had to do a chmod 755 on it (is that what it should be)? On opening it I found it was empty. I can only assume this is to do with the file system but am supprised it is so large! Or has there been some disk grab for a purpose I don't know of?


                  Re: How set up my controller card

                  I don't think the disk space is anything to worry about, though I haven't really paid much attention to this with linux specifically. That doesn't sound abnormal. Large disks lose quite a lot of space in formatting. Maybe someone else will comment on this.

                  "To open it I had to do a chmod 755 on it (is that what it should be)?"

                  You don't want to be having to alter your permissions on things. It undermines security as well as being a nuisance.
                  I would return the permissions on that directory to 700.
                  If you need to access something like that the proper way to do it would be

                  kdesu dolphin

                  This will open dolphin using kde superuser(which is essentially sudo for graphical applications), giving you temporary root with that application until you shut down that instance of the application.

                  In general you should give yourself temporary root access, through sudo(for command line tools) or kdesu, rather than loosening permissions.

                  If you ever have problems with other user logins not being given access to something like a printer or a scanner the first thing to check is whether the secondary groups that those users belong to include the groups such as scanner , cdrom etc. There are generally groups created for these objects and then users who need to access these are added to those groups. You can set this under
                  kmenu-system settings-user management. You will see secondary groups in this tab for each user. Of course you don't want to just be adding other users to groups such as admin, which will give them access to sudo. By default only the first user created is given the ability to use the root access commands.

