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Is it really safe to use Kubuntu / Linux?

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    Is it really safe to use Kubuntu / Linux?

    I just finished configuring and modifying Kubuntu Linux and I had this thought:

    How secure is Linux. I mean, I know it's thousands of times more secure than Windows, but is it really safe, especially without security software?

    In that vein, I have been looking for reliable anti-virus and firewall software for Kubuntu Linux and have not found anything that has worked. The only one I got to function somewhat was guard dog, but no matter how I configured it, I could not use the Internet while it was running.

    So what's the deal? Do I need programs like that? I've read that it's not necessary at the moment, but how will I know when it's time to get something? If I should download such programs, which ones should I use and will I still be able to run Linux the same?

    Re: Is it really safe to use Kubuntu / Linux?

    Wow. Sounds like Guard Dog really does the trick!

    Actually, I hear Windows is ultimately a more secure OS than Linux. Simply because there is greater effort put into securing it. Out of the box, Linux is far less vulnerable. I wouldn't necessarily say more secure. You may feel more secure since there is less malicous software out there attacking Linux boxes, but you should still be running an anti virus at a minimum. Also making sure you update from time to time is a good idea.

    PS. I didn't bother looking at the links. They may have covered what I said, but that's a long list of links.


      Re: Is it really safe to use Kubuntu / Linux?

      Okay, read the links-- they don't seem to come to consensus on whether or not you need an anti virus. I guess that depends on how worried you really are about having to deal with a virus if it gets on your system.

      As for spyware--none.

      Firewall? I don't believe in software firewalls--not even for Windows. Like others say in the link, if you have a router between you and the net, you're fine.


        Re: Is it really safe to use Kubuntu / Linux?

        I would say that in this day and time with identity theft running rampant, err on the side of paranoia. I personally believe that Linux is far more secure than Windows, but nothing is perfect. I personally use a hardware firewall along with Guard Dog and also use antivirus software. While this might be overkill, why take a chance. Use as much protection as you can find (and afford). While most malcious intent is aimed at Windows users (due to it's prevalence in the market), a smart, determined hacker could certainly get into Linux as well. In fact, I would say that many hackers probably use some form of 'NIX to do thier dirty work, but that's just a guess on my part.


          Re: Is it really safe to use Kubuntu / Linux?

          This is only my opinions and may be faulty:

          The big question I have is, what are you really afraid of?
          My computer is behind two ruters with hardware firewall. Except from that I have no protection what so ever. I have newer had any problems and don't expect to get any either. I don't have a virii controll either witch might be risky if you use windows now and then.

          What I guess must peoples are afraid of, is that the computer is destroied by someone. This isn't wery likely if you have a ruter (witch isn't expencive and makes instaling win2k possible with internet connected). This isn't becuse it is totaly safe, but becouse so many peoples don't use firewall, so why hack someone with one just to destroy their computer?.

          If you are afraid of peoples trying to access passwords or creditcard numbers on your computer, you might have resons for your fear. I'm not, but I don't have much money and don't keep my creditcard number on my computer (my bank uses BankID so I don't need to type anything that is usable to others).

          If you got sensitive meterials on your computer (You migth be a doctor or a teacher) don't connect it to the internet. The only way to keep sensitive material secure is away from the internet on encrypted files only moved with distructable media (use CDs to move your data and use the CDs as firewood afterwards).

          If you are afraid of viruses, use a virus program and be critical to what you download and open.
          (I'm not updated in the computer world, but i've heard that viruses that attacks linux is rare and dosn't do a desktop user any harm)

          If you are behind a hardware firewall and don't have sensitive materials on your computer, a security software will only make your life harder (it slows your computer down and makes p2p programs hard to use)

          Don't take this as good fish. I like things cleen I simple and am willing to take the risk for my average day to go smooth.


            Re: Is it really safe to use Kubuntu / Linux?

            Originally posted by Djem
            The only way to keep sensitive material secure is away from the internet on encrypted files only moved with distructable media (use CDs to move your data and use the CDs as firewood afterwards).
            Remembering to step back and not inhale the carcinogenic fumes.

