Re: read/write permissions
Can you explain then, the following line entry from the fstab you posted?
Was this because it represents your fstab before you 're-did' your system? What does your /ect/fstab look like 'right now,' and what does sudo fdisk -l now report?
Can you explain then, the following line entry from the fstab you posted?
# /dev/hdb1
UUID=0c23b29d-0066-435d-acba-e1415e4b6613 /media/linux/hdb1 ext3 users,defaults,atime,auto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 2
UUID=0c23b29d-0066-435d-acba-e1415e4b6613 /media/linux/hdb1 ext3 users,defaults,atime,auto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 2