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Permissions, Root Users, etc

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    Permissions, Root Users, etc


    I have just started using Linux, and have been running Kanotix for a while, and have recently started using installed Kubuntu.

    In Kubuntu it seems there is no 'root user', instead my normal user password seems to work as a 'root' password. Is this correct?

    If I want to edit a file, e.g. the GRUB configuration, when I open it using a text editor, it says I do not have enough permission to save the file. How do I overcome this? I assume I have to open it from a super user console or something, though I have no idea how to do this.

    Can i sudo myself into a root mode, then open it as per usual, from the K menu, or not?

    Thanks for your help,


    Re: Permissions, Root Users, etc

    In Kubuntu, your user password doubles as your sudo password. The root user by default cannot log in.

    To edit, say, /etc/fstab as root, using kate, run this command:

    kdesu kate /etc/fstab

    It'll then prompt you for your password, and kate will load in superuser mode. Alternatively use K menu > System > Run as different user.


      Re: Permissions, Root Users, etc

      Hi! I'm also a new user here (and my first post, too! ). But I'm completely coming from the XP world.

      Just wanted to share a link that you might find interesting. It's about what makes K/Ubuntu unique in it's implementation of the root privilege:

      Hope it helps!
      Jucato's Data Core


        Re: Permissions, Root Users, etc
        Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


          Re: Permissions, Root Users, etc

          Another way, and in my opinion a preferred way, is to just navigate to the file you want to edit using Konqueror (the ordinary GUI file manager). Then RIGHT click on the file that you want to edit, go down to the ACTIONS menu item, and select EDIT AS ROOT. That will ask you for your password and let you edit the file with root privileges.
          Admitedly this way relies more heavily on the GUI, which many Linux purists disfavor. I'm not a purist, but I do love Linux.

