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Start up list.

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    Re: Start up list.

    @mike: glad to give my 2c's.

    @wave: this bothers me:

    Thanks for that. Just out of interest I have booted the computer up in all of the kernels. Interesting difference, the ones below the line that says "other operating systems", have a sleeker looking interface when I open Thunderbird or Swiftfox, like it was more modern.
    What do you mean by that? From reading your menu.lst the only OS on that line is windows.
    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
    4 GB Ram
    Kubuntu 18.10


      Re: Start up list.

      I agree with Fintan about that, wavemaker. Puzzling.

      - - -

      (dibl--Reply #37):
      Holy Linux Configuration Files Batman!

      Keeping all that straight and updated in your mind and in your records must be a task!
      An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


        Re: Start up list.

        Thanks so much blokes. It's late again and I will hit the sack now. Try all that stuff in the morning. Regards, James.


          Re: Start up list.

          james@office:~$ cat /proc/swaps
          Filename Type Size Used Priority
          /dev/hda5 partition 1879564 0 -1

          Gooday all and thanks for all your help[. I am on a huge learning curve here so I am extremly grateful for your persistence. I just did this and thought I would post it. I have the G- parted disc and the grub disc. Ready to roll. I like the look of the second Kubuntu. The one from below the line that says other OS on the system or whatever.


            Re: Start up list.

            I have taken a photo of the screen, is there a way I could post this or email it to you?


              Re: Start up list.

              Looks like you just need to delete the partitions hda4 (the Kubuntu you don't need) and hda6 (the swap you don't need). Looks like your hda2-Kubuntu is using the swap on hda5.

              You won't need the Super Grub Disk to do that, just GParted Live CD.
              With the PC on, just put the GParted CD in the CD tray, re-boot, and it will come up.
              Work through the questions (language, keyboard, etc.--for English, you can accept the defaults), then it will show you your hard drive and those partitions. Highlight hda4, then Partition > Delete. Then highlight hda6, and do the same. Then click the Apply button and both changes will process and take place.

              FIRST, of course, confirm that the partitions are shown in GParted as we are seeing them and talking about them here! GParted is real friendly, so take your time and just get familiar with the screen there.

              When done, click Exit, re-boot and eject, and it will come to a stop after awhile, eject your Live CD, remove the CD, close the tray, click OK, and it will continue to re-boot your PC. See what happens.

              I'm not sure how to post the photo here, but we probably won't need it. (They are usually not very readable, anyway.)
              An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                Re: Start up list.

                Thanks, I will do that in a minute. Just want to know why the User Interface looks so different on the other one and is there a way I can update mine to look the same?


                  Re: Start up list.

                  Going back to Fintan's post (reply #45), I don't know why. Puzzling. Many things about this are puzzling! It's the same OS, same version. Unless Automtix is doing something weird here. Don't know.
                  An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                    Re: Start up list.

                    Well Qqmike you got me thinking too. I am in the other(non everyday) now and just went for a look in the find files and folders utility and guess what! No automatix in here. So given what you were saying, I would be better off if I got the stuff I want to keep from the other one and put it on a flash drive or something and deleted the one with Automatix on it. Yeah?


                      Re: Start up list.

                      That sounds like a plan. So, do what Fintan said again, and just be sure which swap is being used by the "other" (ie, get into the other one, and run /proc/swaps from Konsole there; it should be hda6, correct?).
                      So, when you were in the "normal" one, the usual one, you did find Automatix, right?
                      An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                        Re: Start up list.

                        More generally, speaking, yes, you can select which one of the OSs to delete -- on hda2 (the normal one) or on hda4 (the other one).
                        An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                          Re: Start up list.

                          If you delete hda2 OS, you will lose your GRUB boot, I think. Review that How-To (GRUB toolkit) to see how to re-install grub using the Kubuntu on hda4. (Your GRUB looks like it is using the hda2 files right now).
                          But this is not a problem. You might do that right now before you delete hda2!
                          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                            Re: Start up list.

                            Yeah, automatix is on the one I had been using all the time. The linux enthusiast who convinced me to give Kubuntu said to get it. He is only a beginer too. So how do I get my email addys and favourites off the one I am going to delete?


                              Re: Start up list.

                              Sorry about these short posts, but things keep coming up with changes here!

                              To install GRUB using the files in your hda4-Kubuntu,
                              get into hda4-Kubuntu (the “other” one).
                              At Konsole, type
                              sudo grub
                              that gives you a GRUB prompt, grub>.

                              At the grub>, type each of these and press Enter after each one:

                              grub> root (hd0,3)
                              grub> setup (hd0)
                              grub> quit

                              re-boot to test it.
                              Your GRUB booting should now be controlled by your hda4-Kubuntu (not your hda2-Kubuntu).
                              An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                                Re: Start up list.

                                I'm not sure about the email program etc. You also need the Bookmarks from Firefox saved. For that, I think it's just Organize Bookmarks, File > Export, then put that file onto your Desktop and copy that file to a thumb drive.

                                Better slow down here, come to think about it, and prepare carefully for this change since all your stuff is on hda2-Kubuntu.

                                Fact is, if you copy all your good stuff to thumb drive, why not then just delete all the partitions and start over with a fresh install of Kubuntu 7.04?!
                                You'd use GParted to wipe the drive and then re-partition it (as I suggested somewhere in a previous post). Real clean, simple, and ready for future disk use. Edit: And no need to mess with re-installing GRUB now.
                                An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

