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nub question's

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    nub question's

    I have some questions about install and dual booting

    1)is it possible to get kubuntu to install with an active root acces to user instead of doing sudo

    2)is it possible to get kubuntu to install lilo instead of grub

    I have used debian so im used to the apt-get method of getting packages what im not used to is not having initial root access as a user
    wich really seems strange to me if some one could explain the reason that the initial install does not allow root access id be happy

    i have tried installing kubuntu using grub but grub does not like my disk scheme or the fact i do not want to install grub to hda mbr
    i would prefer to setup grub using ntldr on hda mbr but every attempt has failed with GRUB_ i have had success with lilo

    Re: nub question's

    1)is it possible to get kubuntu to install with an active root acces to user instead of doing sudo
    You can always turn into superuser by running "sudo su -", so you don't need to use "sudo" for all your commands.

    2)is it possible to get kubuntu to install lilo instead of grub
    There is nothing you can do with Lilo which can't be done with GRUB, absolutely. You probably need some research to solve your particular problem. There is a big How-To for GRUB in the forums, all you need is there.


      Re: nub question's

      1)is it possible to get kubuntu to install with an active root acces to user instead of doing sudo

      Unofficial Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) Starter Guide
      Assign a root password

      To be able to log in as root directly, you must assign a root password. This can be done with:

      sudo passwd root

      Afterwards, you can use


      to get a root prompt.

      Unofficial Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) Starter Guide
      How to set/change/enable root user password

      sudo passwd root

      How to disable root user account

      sudo passwd -l root

      2)is it possible to get kubuntu to install lilo instead of grub
      Yes -
      Alternate install CD

      The alternate install CD allows you to perform certain specialist installations of Kubuntu. It provides for the following situations:

      * creating pre-configured OEM systems;
      * setting up automated deployments;
      * upgrading from older installations without network access;
      * LVM and/or RAID partitioning;
      * installs on systems with less than about 256MB of RAM (although note that low-memory systems may not be able to run a full desktop environment reasonably).
      When using alternate CD there are options:

      Install the GRUB boot loader on a hard disk
      Install the LILO boot loader on a hard disk
      Before you edit, BACKUP !

      Why there are dead links ?
      1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
      2. Thread: Lost Information


        Re: nub question's

        OK several more questions

        1) what app or what howto tells you how to manually recompile the kernel ( is there a graphical app that allows you to reconfigure the kernel if so could i please get the name)

        2) is there a how to to specifically install nvidia_driver (this is related to question one need to deselect kernel drivers if i am going to use the nvidia_driver)

        i have spent the last day and a half looking for the specific howto and or reference to what i need and i have not found it if i missed it some place then sorry for posting a question thats already taking care of


          Re: nub question's

          1) Master Kernel Thread . But unless some needed extra functionality is required it would be better to use the distro specific kernel in the repos
          2) why not try Envy


            Re: nub question's

            1) what app or what howto tells you how to manually recompile the kernel
            Kubuntu forums has:
            Kubuntu Forums > Important Information > Documentation > Experimentation/Customization/Optimization

            There are:
            Topic: Building your own kernel

            Topic: kernel recompile? is it worth it? what's the best way to do it?

            Googling K/X/Ubuntu, building kernel:
            How To Roll A Kernel the Ubuntu/Debian Way

            2) is there a how to to specifically install nvidia_driver
            This seems FAQ (Someone should write it )
            Topic: Nvidia-glx

            Ubuntu HowTo's

            Unofficial Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) Starter Guide
            How to setup nVidia drivers in 7.04
            Before you edit, BACKUP !

            Why there are dead links ?
            1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
            2. Thread: Lost Information


              Re: nub question's

              Thank you for the fast reply my problems for now have been solved


                Re: nub question's

                "if some one could explain the reason that the initial install does not allow root access id be happy "

                Here is an excellent article for you to look at. May explain a few things (if you don't know them already, of course).



                I wish I was the man my dog thinks I am.<br /><br />Registered Linux User No. 402825


                  Re: nub question's

                  Ok thanks for the reply's
                  on with nub questions

                  1) the default x11 after reboot or just starting is defaulting to res 1600x1200 @59hrz i use the nvidia setting apps and can get it to 70hrz which is what i want but it wont stay active on reboot

                  I know that I'm missing some really lame step probably a permission thing with nvidia settings app


                    Re: nub question's

                    Yep, you need to run it (in a konsole) as
                    sudo nvidia-settings
                    one time, to set the default resolution and refresh. Then click the "Save Settings to X Configuration File" button down in the lower right of the panel, and click "save" when it pops up the window.


                      Re: nub question's

                      I have run the nvidia-settings as sudo and it changed the xorg.conf

                      but the problem persists every time i boot into kde i have to run the nvidia-settings app to get the res refresh i want
                      is there a default setting some place I'm not looking ?

                      btw the system settings for kde only show refresh rates in the 50hz so is there a config that sets this ?


                        Re: nub question's

                        Open xorg.conf, look for the 2 lines which set vertical refresh and horizontal refresh. Raise the upper limit to something like 200, so when xorg is started, it will go as high as your monitor can go. Something like 30-200.
                        No, it won't damage your equipment.


                          Re: nub question's

                          i know what the refresh rates are for my monitor they are set in the conf
                          as i stated the kde setting menu will only let me go between 50-59 @1600x1200 which isn't correct
                          Section "Monitor"
                            # HorizSync source: edid, VertRefresh source: edid
                            Identifier   "Monitor0"
                            VendorName   "Unknown"
                            ModelName   "IBM"
                            HorizSync    30 - 96
                            VertRefresh   48 - 160
                            Option     "DPMS"
                          as stated i have done that

                          but if i go to systemsettings>computeradmistrations>monitor/display all i get is 50,51,58,59 hz
                          that is with the conf set as above

                          btw i don't care what you say if you set blah blah in the conf it will let you use that setting to say i wont have a smoked monitor is false ( well in most case any way it looks like mine is being ignored )

