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noob needs advice

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    Re: noob needs advice

    More bugs. I'm in awe at the amount of bugs in Kubuntu. I am wondering if a forum search will uncover discussion regarding this.

    I am trying to remember them or describe but there are so many:
    1) k3b - msg that MP3s won't work as it's missing a MAD Mp3 plugin. I installed what seemed to fix this issue but now the msg is returning. I'm at a loss to explain why or even contemplate.

    2) network interfaces - I initially liked the appearance and setup of the GUI method in 'System Settings' / 'Configure Network Connections.' I have the dual ethernet (most modern computers have it) and I am told that it is quite possible Kubuntu and other distros randomly choose which port to use. I don't know what to think of that. Anyway, there are all sorts of problems for me in trying to set up a static IP. I thought this might be relatively easy since the GUI interface for networks and IP protocols appeared to be intuitive (relative to Windows). But, it's proved to be much more buggy and problematic than anything I've tried in Windows. On occasion, it would freeze and I've also got it to crash. After changing a setting, it would hang. I would lose connnection to the internet and it would only be restored after setting to dhcp. This was just by chance, I had no connection for a while.

    These problems are unacceptable, imho. I cannot agree with the statement, "no need for another distro." I read that Kubuntu is working on 'Tribe' but the issues I have are related to bugs as far as I can tell. Nothing wrong with my machine. I may not be linux savvy and therefore, I am having configuration problems but the freezing and crashes are a Kubuntu-related issue.


      Re: noob needs advice

      MP3 files are not included with Kunbuntu by default to protect their butts since it is technical illegal in some countries since we don't pay for them. So sometimes when a major update occurs it takes out some of those non-default things. If you do not like this then go get Linux Mint, they keep these things working. And as far as static IP goes. I set up internet sharing with my Wife's XP computer and i setup a static IP on my ethernet and a dynamic on my wireless. This worked fine with no glitches so either you did something funky or your computer just has unusual hardware. Try even running winXP wireless or most ethernet cards with a fresh OOTB XP install and it doesn't work most of the time. Whereas OOTB Kubuntu detects all my hardware.


        Re: noob needs advice

        Don't know a thing about debian, don't know much about Kubuntu, 12 years ago didn't know much about Window$. Still using it. Learned 3.1 fought with W-95, did better with 98, hated Wme (but bought it-sucker) and progressed to XP. Like the look of vista but wanted to try somthing new. Just need to remember life is a learning experience, you're never too old to learn somthing new

