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Installing an external modem

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    Installing an external modem

    I need to know exactly how to install an external modem on Kubuntu 7.04.It uses a serial connector,which is installed.On this dual boot system,XP has found it and shows that it is working.On Kubuntu,the modem is connected to [COM1=ttyS0] from what I've read.

    The modem does Not show up yet in my system settings-network connections.How do I go about getting it to show in these settings?Once I get it there,the KPPP doesn't seem too difficult,I hope.Please remember,noobie here.

    The modem is a Best Data 56K V.92/V.44 which says it's Linux compatable right on the box.TIA

    Re: Installing an external modem

    Ok,I found this.....

    I guess I'll work on this till I get lost.Be back shortly

    I'm back,with a problem...following the link....ALT+F2 got to the command.Entered the kdesu /etc/wvdial.conf
    > Enter your password

    Kwrite never opensWTF

    OK,found the problem...kdesu kwrite /etc/wvdial.conf

    Kwrite opens: type in the information called for after the following:


    EG: Phone=5052864584

    Is this my home phone number,or the ISP's?
    Is this my Kubuntu username,or the one I use for the ISP?
    Is this my Kubuntu password,or the one I use for the ISP login?


    Ok,I skipped down to the part TWO of the thread instructions and in the terminal,followed the directions.It found my modem as ttyS0. yea!Still doesn't show up in the network connections. It has my onboard ethernet port checked as ok,but no entry for my modem-strange.

    I guess I'll get an ISP and see if the rest will work.I'm stopping at the end of Part Two in the tutorial.


      Re: Installing an external modem

      Is this my home phone number,or the ISP's?
      Is this my Kubuntu username,or the one I use for the ISP?
      Is this my Kubuntu password,or the one I use for the ISP login?
      This is all the info for your isp.

      That tutorial looks like way to much. I was on dial up for many years with a serial modem on several distros. I only had to configure everything through KPPP. I thought it was very simple and never had a problem. As long as you point it to the right /dev and correct the #noauth thing you should be good to go.

      ~$sudo make me a sandwich


        Re: Installing an external modem

        Thanks for the reply eriefisher.They should have said that (for the ISP) in the tutorial.Since the ect/wvdial.conf now sees my modem on ttyS0 I think I'll be ok.Still wonder why it never shows in the settings->network page.I saw a screenshot somewhere and it had ethernet,modem,and something else ?? in the list.Thanks again for your help.

