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Grub install issues

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    Grub install issues

    I have 3 hard drives sda is a 40G IDE drive with win XP, sdb is a 80G IDE drive formated NTFS for windows data, sdc is a 500G SATA with latest KUBUNTU installed when I install Grub to hd0 I can boot to KUBUNTU but not my Windows XP, If I install grub to two hd2 I can boot to windows but when I boot from to KUBUNTU I get an error say the partion does not exit. I can boot from a live CD and see the partions I tryed to restore grub boot still can not get it to boot can some oine help staighten out grub I have tried about 10 different configs and still can not get it to work


    Re: Grub install issues

    Your situation is surely one that Qqmike covered in his excellent instruction here:

    Probably you're looking for "chainloader" instructions, and you should put Grub back to hd0,0 where it naturally "wants" to be.


      Re: Grub install issues

      It sounds like you are doing the right things.
      Windows XP is on hd0, and that’s the first drive in BIOS boot order – from the way you describe things. So that’s OK. (Are you sure the XP drive is seen as (hd0)? See the How-to: the geometry command at the GRUB prompt will help sort out our drives.)

      If you can boot Kubuntu but not Windows, sounds like you might try editing the /boot/grub/menu.lst located in Kubuntu (use Konqueror to find and see it). Make sure the menu.lst has a boot stanza entry for XP, like:

      title Microsoft Windows XP
      rootnoverify (hd0, 0) # rootnoverify ensures no attempt is made to mount windows
      chainloader +1

      (You do have a mixture of IDE and SATA drives, and sometimes that makes it difficult to get these things fixed.)

      See the How-to for editing menu.lst (as root; and save your edits).
      An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

