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Kubuntu Samba and Firewall questions

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    Kubuntu Samba and Firewall questions
    Discussions about firewalls often are passionate (just search the Ubuntu forums). By default, Ubuntu includes a firewall, iptables, but by default nothing is engaged. This is reasonable as a default Ubuntu install opens zero ports to the outside world, so a firewall is redundant. However, installing "server software" will cause ports to open, so some people like to use a firewall as a catch-all layer to find mistakes in their configuration.
    So no matter what port an outside program tries to get into, it is refused? I also assume that programs like SAMBA put you into the "server" catagory. Or is that only if the kubuntu box is doing the sharing? (ie. i use Samba to access info on 2 computers, but they don't access me.)

    Registered Linux User: 450747<br />Registered Ubuntu User: 16269

    Re: Kubuntu Samba and Firewall questions

    "Server" means that a service is being served

    If you were accessing file shares served (sic!) by other machines, you're merely playing the role of a client (sic!) - while the server may or may not need a firewall to control any ports opened to service ...

