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Wondering about 3D Gaming on Linux

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    Wondering about 3D Gaming on Linux

    I have an ATI card and with Cedega or Wine I could never get World of Warcraft to work. Well on a whim I decided to try running WoW from my Windoze partition from Kubuntu using Wine. Amazingly it started fine but when I actually logged into the world and monsters started to attack me it froze. Few questions.

    1. Why does it work from the Win partition using Wine when it never has worked before after being installed in Linux?

    2. When fullscreen programs freeze how can I close them and get back to Desktop?
    -Normally I have to hard reboot since everything is frozen.
    -Normally restarting the Xserver by hitting ctrl+alt+backspace does not work.

    Re: Wondering about 3D Gaming on Linux

    1 - When I tried WoW BC with Cedega, it was a matter of installing and patching. My card is nvidia, but I don't think it is a vcard problem since ATI users have success running WoW with Cedega. You better check their site and look for a tutorial;

    2 - You can do a CTRL+ALT+F2 to open a shell in text mode and explicitly kill Cedega. If you are running a 3D desktop like Beryl or Compiz, the documentation says that it may interfere with other apps which also depend on 3D acceleration.


      Re: Wondering about 3D Gaming on Linux

      Ok I'll try that next time it freezes. I don't run Beryl since it doesn't work with my drivers that Envy installed for me.


        Re: Wondering about 3D Gaming on Linux

        Do you get a prompt of VPU Recover?

        Usually, most ATI radeon video card has a problem of VPU recover, its GPU core crashes and it tries to reset it, but it fails to restart GPU, so the game stop responsing to user and seems frozen.

        If the problem you met likes this, I think there is no way to fix but replacing it with a NVidia video card.


          Re: Wondering about 3D Gaming on Linux

          No I haven't gotten an error message. What I do now is run it windowed so then i can xkill worse come to worse.

