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Wireless Headaches

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    Wireless Headaches

    This is a topic I have asked a few times before on Ubuntu but no one ever answered with a valid solution and I have a new bit of info, plus KDE is better .

    Anyway my problem is as follows. There are two essid=linksys routers putting out wireless signals and I am trying to connect to one over the other. The problem is one of them has encryption and the other is open. Sometimes Linux will see the ecrypted one and sometimes it will see the other one, seems random. I do know the hardware addresses of both and when I typed it in with connect to other using the KNetwork manager it saw some signal but for some reason would not connect. I seem to have that problem a lot where signal is there fine but when it gets to configuring device it has issues.

    So is there a way to make it connect to the hardware address I specify and actually connect?

    Why is it that it seems not to like to connect?

    I do ocassionally loose signal for 5 seconds when using this same network in windozeXP. XP connects fine though and stays connected most of the time. I do have a secondary connection which I am now using but it sucks, very choppy bandwidth.

    So that is my delema, any questions or comments, or preferably answers? I keep running to my other partition because at time I cannot connect with Kubuntu, and I love internet. SO PLEASE HELP!!!! :-(