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Installing Java in Firefox on Kubuntu 7.04

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    Installing Java in Firefox on Kubuntu 7.04

    I am a total newbey to the whole Linux/Kubuntu OS and i am trying to get into sites that require me to have Java installed on firefox. I have done everything that has been said in the other feeds but still can't work out how to install Java and get it to work on the OS. Can someone tell me what i need to do to get this to work and how to then install this. As i say i am a Total Newbey to this OS so please don't give me links and hope it works. Have tried and it doesn't and i get lost real quick. Today is the 1st time i have EVER USED Kubuntu so if you could tell me step by step what to do it would be great.

    Re: Installing Java in Firefox on Kubuntu 7.04

    My guess for "all of Java 1.5 aka 5.0":

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install sun-java5-*
    A more specific / selective approach:

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre sun-java5-plugin
    Do not try to install Java by means of Adept or Synaptic, but stick to "plain" APT in doing so.


      Installing Java in Firefox on Kubuntu 7.04

      Ok you have done exactly what i didn't want you to do. the codes that you have given mean NOTHING to me let alone trying to work out where i even put them or whatever. what i want to do is install JAVA Scripting onto my Kubuntu OS so i am able to go to websites that require Java Scripting for popups. i have tried installing from the Java website and it loads perfectly fine but when it comes to the actual installing it i get this message pop up:-

      The File:
      file:///home/user/desktop/jre-6u2-linux-i568.bin is a binary. saving it will result in a corrupt file.

      What am i meant to do? I have followed the steps word for word from the Jave website but they don't explain anything either.
      I really want Java installed on this OS as it seems to be a major part of everything we do with exploring the internet. If you are goin to give me codes or whatever please tell me where i am meant to even be putting these cards cause as i said i am TOTALLY NEW TO LINUX OS's. Don't give me codes and expect me to understand what they mean, where they go or how to even tell where they are As day 2 of this OS doesn't give me much in the way of experience with knowing these things.
      A LITTLE KNOWLEDGEABLE HELP wouldn't go astray.


        Re: Installing Java in Firefox on Kubuntu 7.04

        There is no relation between Java and JavaScript (except for a deliberate misconception of the latter); while Java is (i.a.) a full-flegded programming language, JavaScript merely a limited scripting language ... (further reading).



          ok so what do i have to do in order to install Java onto this OS. i have tried everything from unistalling this whole OS and starting again to followin the instructions step by step listed on the Java website. None of this has worked, or seems to work. As i said in my last post i get that error message whenever i try to install this. I ultimately want to be able to log onto Firefox, Surf the net and if needed log onto pages that require Java encoding or whatever it is. Example of this is some chat rooms.


            Re: Installing Java in Firefox on Kubuntu 7.04

            Puddles I feel with you but there is no need to shout.

            We all had to learn a bit here so a bit of patience is definitely a virtue.

            First of all I would read this:

            it gives you a good idea about installing apps with the terminal and apt which is the underlying proceedure to install programs on debian based linux (kubuntu, etc). You can use adept or synaptic in a graphical view but sometimes as unicorn rider mentioned in the case of java it is better to go the apt way.

            Secondly I would open up your firefox browser and type aboutlugins into the adress field(where you normaly type or whatever.

            Then you will see all the plugins that are already installed.(Java script, which is what you want is a plug in)

            If it is not there then do as unicorn suggested:
            open a terminal by doing K->system->terminal then copy this:
            sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre sun-java5-plugin
            and paste it into your terminal window. You will be asked for your password. Type your user password (you will not see any letters or stars, don't worry) press enter and watch the app being installed.

            I hope this helps you a bit further

            HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
            4 GB Ram
            Kubuntu 18.10


              Re: Installing Java in Firefox on Kubuntu 7.04

              Thank you guys... Excactly what I was looking for!


                Re: Installing Java in Firefox on Kubuntu 7.04

                Any time
                HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                4 GB Ram
                Kubuntu 18.10


                  Re: Installing Java in Firefox on Kubuntu 7.04

                  Does it matter if i have Firefox installed or not when i do the thing in "terminal"? if it not then i am hoping everything works. If so then i am doin things the long way and hope that it still works all the same. so far the assistance you guys have given has been of some help so thank you. If i have any more problems i will come back to this forum and post a comment.


                    Re: Installing Java in Firefox on Kubuntu 7.04

                    Since I have never done this the other way around (I do firefox first then the plugins) I wouldn't be able to answer that question.

                    But i suppose if you want to surf with firefox it is helpfull if it is installed

                    Let us know how it goes
                    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                    4 GB Ram
                    Kubuntu 18.10


                      Installing Java in Firefox on Kubuntu 7.04

                      Thank you very much to both of you for your help with this. Yesterday i managed to install both the Java and Firefox onto my computer but what i did was not as suggested by you both. I went about it the long way. I entered that code into the "Terminal" section and let it do it's thing and then went into the "adept installer" and installed firefox from there. goin about it this way, and obviously the long way seemed to work and i am able to do what i wanted to do in regard to surfing certain sites that required Java to load.
                      Thank you again to both of you and sorry i momentarily got angry with you Unicorn.


                        Re: Installing Java in Firefox on Kubuntu 7.04

                        I am glad it worked. Remember, this is one of if not the most helpful forums around and we are happy to help.
                        HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                        4 GB Ram
                        Kubuntu 18.10


                          Re: Installing Java in Firefox on Kubuntu 7.04

                          Originally posted by Fintan
                          "We all had to learn a bit here so a bit of patience is definitely a virtue."

                          Originally posted by Fintan
                          Secondly I would open up your firefox browser and type aboutlugins into the adress feld(where you normaly type or whatever.

                          If it is not there then do as unicorn suggested:
                          sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre sun-java5-plugin
                          Would you recommend this for K 7.0.4 64 bits? What should we do bet to get Java for Firefox in this case?
                          Adept shows some things, but last time I got a major headache with a truncated update/instalation that made me search for hours in the forums how to unlock the updater (Adept)

                          Poseidon GNU/Linux 64 & 32 bits
                          GNU/Linux user #451206
                          (K)Ubuntu user #21328


                            Not able to install with those instructions.

                            I tried copying and pasting the code into terminal.

                            ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre sun-java5-plugin
                            Ign cdrom://Kubuntu 7.04 _Feisty Fawn_ - Release i386 (20070417) feisty/main Translation-en_US
                            Ign cdrom://Kubuntu 7.04 _Feisty Fawn_ - Release i386 (20070417) feisty/restricted Translation-en_US
                            Get:1 [url][/url] feisty-security Release.gpg [191B]
                            Ign [url][/url] feisty-security/main Translation-en_US
                            Get:2 [url][/url] feisty Release.gpg [191B]
                            Ign [url][/url] feisty/main Translation-en_US
                            Ign [url][/url] feisty-security/restricted Translation-en_US
                            Ign [url][/url] feisty/restricted Translation-en_US
                            Hit [url][/url] feisty-security Release
                            Hit [url][/url] feisty Release
                            Hit [url][/url] feisty-security/main Packages
                            Hit [url][/url] feisty/main Packages
                            Hit [url][/url] feisty-security/restricted Packages
                            Hit [url][/url] feisty/restricted Packages
                            Hit [url][/url] feisty-security/main Sources
                            Hit [url][/url] feisty-security/restricted Sources
                            Hit [url][/url] feisty/main Sources
                            Hit [url][/url] feisty/restricted Sources
                            Fetched 2B in 0s (4B/s)
                            Reading package lists... Done 
                            Reading package lists... Done
                            Building dependency tree
                            Reading state information... Done
                            E: Couldn't find package sun-java5-jre
                            Everything seemed to go well until the end. I think E: means error but don't quote me on that unless it is correct.

                            I'm not exactly sure why the error comes up.. I am hoping someone can let me know why I get that error and how to get a successful install. If it makes any difference I am running off of the live kubuntu cd. Also, as you gurus can easily notice I am an absolute first timer using Linux / kubuntu so please don't be too harsh :P

                            thanks to anyone willing to help!


                              Re: Not able to install with those instructions.

                              Originally posted by icm320
                              I tried copying and pasting the code into terminal.

                              If it makes any difference I am running off of the live kubuntu cd.
                              Yes, it makes a difference! Until you install Kubuntu, attempting to do what you did is going to fail.
                              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

