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Third times a charm..? WITH GREAT SUCCESS

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    Third times a charm..? WITH GREAT SUCCESS

    Hey Kubuntu...

    Well last night while traversing some much unknown waters of xorg.conf, I completely f***ed my Kubuntu!

    That said, now it was time for installation no. 3. 1st time everything was horrible as expected: I dusted off an old 120 gb that was sitting around the apartment and loaded into the computer and said, "Time to try this whole K/Ubuntu revolution". Being experienced with new operating systems (I've been messing up computers since Dos Shell) and their nuances I was quite impressed with the install for Kubuntu - simple and worked. Of course I then dove head first and rendered the OS inoperable in no-time (when I was 12 I decided to see if windows 95 would let me delete the "windows" folder and send it to the recycling bin - it did, didn't give me a chance to "empty the bin" before the OS ate itself though ).

    2nd time through - I was immersed for a week in the world of Kubuntu, started customizing it and learning it's ins and outs getting more and more familiar with the command line, reading the forums to see what I could do with it - which is when I found Beryl! Needless to say this was when I gave myself a face first introduction to the xorg config file (queue "wamp waaa" horn).

    So here I am on episode 3 of my Kubuntu journey, eager to see how far I get this time! So I'm posting this (as I always seem to do) from work to get the forums yet again prepared for more questions (seemed like last week I was just asking them, because it was ). While at home last night, rolling the opening credits of this latest installment, I managed to get enough time to get Kubuntu installed, updated, and did the adept installer on some of my more favorite apps (Firefox, Thunderbird, stuff) and left the computer to get acquainted to itself again while I trotted off to work! This time I installed Beryl using the Installer, but have yet to test it.

    Tonight when I return home, I will add the restricted repositories again and get Amorak to play MP3's (Great MP3 player btw, are they planning on making it comparable to other "All in ones" out there?) and get my DVD player up and running (a program I haven't tested yet, but I want to watch Scanner Darkly tonight and my livingroom DVD player is of the $20 walmart variety). So, where's my question? Is all okay in Mailman land? Why is he posting this? Well, it's effectively for the whole effect of getting Beryl up and running, so I'm wondering if anyone can suggest (or tell me) any good tutorials for getting this beast to run with an ATI Card. I'm hearing a lot of conflicting accounts of getting the bastard to work with the proprietary drivers, or the open source ones. The article I have linked below seems to be comprehensive, but does anyone know if this will work for me?

    Also this is kind of a shout out to the forum gurus who put up with people like me - who frustratingly post their problems at 2am when they're drunk or 2pm and in the same shape :P

    Finally: A few points I didn't get addressed during my last run that I'll post here as well (one step backward, two steps forward it seems with every attempt)

    1. With the 2nd install I was trying to figure out how do I get my NTFS hard drive to mount automatically at startup, instead of constantly running having to use Konsole and mount the drive from there.
    2. I was starting to get interested in the networking of Kubuntu and was trying to find something comparable to the "Network Neighborhood" from Windows, where I could browse network connections and see other computers/workgroups attached to my router. I had been investigating it to see the possibility of mounting a G4 Ibook hard drive via the network but didn't get to far before the fall of episode 2 (i.e. my butchering of xorg to an un-recognizable state).

    Cheers and Beers!


    Re: Third times a charm..?

    Originally posted by MailmanTX
    So here I am on episode 3 of my Kubuntu journey
    Pshaw! You've got to do at least 3 more before I'll help!


    1. If you're going to dual-boot with Windows, install Windows first (but I'd heartily endorse using VMWare Player to run Windows and never mind the bootable OS).

    2. Use the Alternate Install CD for Kubuntu.

    3. Probably best to hold off on networking until you're in control of the video thing.

    4. Never forget what your coach taught you -- "Practice Makes Perfect!"


      Re: Third times a charm..?

      I'm using two separate hard drives and the Dual Boot is working fine (Windows on one, Kubuntu the other - and never between shall meet)


        Re: Third times a charm..?

        Originally posted by dibl
        Originally posted by MailmanTX
        So here I am on episode 3 of my Kubuntu journey
        Pshaw! You've got to do at least 3 more before I'll help!
        didn't we all learn our lessons when a certain director went for another three episodes...

        ... god damn jar jar...


          Re: Third times a charm..?

          I feel your pain. Went through it myself a couple of years ago. Just hang in there, the fun of this is figuring out what went wrong and fixing it. This forum, the Ubuntu forum, and Google will provide the answers to almost any question you have.

          The most important suggestions I can make is, never do anything to your system until you have read everything there is to read about what you are trying to do. Always backup important system files before making changes, especially xorg.conf. Keep a bootable linux cd like Knoppix handy. Don't let frustration ruin your day.


            Re: Third times a charm..?

            One problem at a time.

            This will help with mounting windows(or anything else for that matter)

            The rest of this site is also an excellent resource.

            Copy this one into Konqueror

            Sorry, can't help you with beryl. Don't use it. Could not get it to work on my system.
            ~$sudo make me a sandwich


              Re: Third times a charm..?

              GREAT SUCCESS

              Okay, so install no. 3 has taken exponentially less time than even install 2! I'm yet to put automatix back on this time as I ran into issues with it before (and by enabling the medibuntu repositories I've been able to easily get past DVD and MP3 issues). DVD was tested and works great (for that matter A Scanner Darkly is a GREAT film for those of us that enjoy a good mind f***). And, to my wondrous amazement I've gotten Beryl up and running!! Here's how I faired:

              By spending a lot of time surfing through forums and what not I came across two websites that were of great help in the end. Essentially here's how I did it...

              1. Followed everything to the letter on this ubuntu guide (substituting KDE commands when needed):

              2. Then, after this document messed my xorg.conf the first time, I followed everything from page 2 on:

              Viola - Kubuntu is now harmoniously living with Beryl. If anyone else has some issues with their 9000+ Radeon (for the record I'm using a 9600 with 128 ram) these two documents will aid the understanding GREATLY!

              One issue though: since getting Beryl running I've noticed the "adept notifier" which normally sits in the "tasktray" beside the clock has since found a home on my desktop in the upper left corner - it can't be closed (can be shaded though) but it is not interfering with opening Adept Manager or Adept Installer (tried both and they worked with no error). It's not that it bothers me a whole lot, but I'd like it to go back down to the tasktray if possible.

              Now then... to the check list: DVD - done, MP3 - done, Beryl - done!

              I will check with the post above as to how to mount that NTFS drive automatically on startup and post my results (the forums already told me how to add programs to the start up by simply copying and pasting the menu item to the hidden folder in I believe "desktop->kde->startup" or something like that, either way I remember - but is there a GUI with in KDE that lets you do that or input the konsol command to launch on startup?)!

              I will however, be going home for the weekend so I won't be able to post any more results till Monday! Thanks for the resources folks, and if there are other newbs out there struggling through the first few installs, I can say with confidence it starts to get better by the third time (and I was truly a "Had no idea" guy from the first run through).

              Again, big props to the community and you guys on the forums!

              One final question before I go: Should I even bother with Automatix?? Thoughts, please disucss...


                Re: Third times a charm..?

                Originally posted by MailmanTX
                Should I even bother with Automatix?

                I did, once, when I was TOTALLY unfamiliar with Linux, and too impatient.

                But, you'll be better off in the long run to learn to get along without it. Use Medibuntu for a repository, for the multimedia codes, and you've already mastered installing your video driver, so whaddaya need Automatix for, anyway?

                Two cents' worth ...


                  Re: Third times a charm..? WITH GREAT SUCCESS

                  I had Automatix on a dapper install a while back and I don't want to take anything away from his work but I seem to have more trouble with it than without. I think Automatix is a great step in the right direction but for me all the stuff i installed with it never seemed to work right. With the medibuntu repo everything is easily available anyway.

                  I do think with some more work Automatix or similar will be the future.

                  Congratulations on your install.

                  ~$sudo make me a sandwich


                    Re: Third times a charm..? WITH GREAT SUCCESS

                    I used Automatix when I first started with Kubuntu (Dapper). It caused some problems and I have not used it since, but I highly recommend Medibuntu.


                      Re: Third times a charm..?

                      Originally posted by MailmanTX
                      One issue though: since getting Beryl running I've noticed the "adept notifier" which normally sits in the "tasktray" beside the clock has since found a home on my desktop in the upper left corner - it can't be closed (can be shaded though) but it is not interfering with opening Adept Manager or Adept Installer (tried both and they worked with no error). It's not that it bothers me a whole lot, but I'd like it to go back down to the tasktray if possible.
                      This happens to me too, but not every time I fire up Beryl. You can right-click on the green orb (in the upper left corner) and select quit. Then choose restart, which will ensure that the notifier will run the next time you boot. Why this happens, I've no clue. It doesn't happen every time. Sometimes it appears in the tasktray, sometimes it does not. Go figure.
                      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                        Re: Third times a charm..?

                        Originally posted by Snowhog
                        This happens to me too, but not every time I fire up Beryl.
                        Yea... I noticed this Friday morning when I restarted after some updates - it was back into the tasktray telling me I had nothing new to update!

                        EDIT: I can remember Windows having the same little quirks from time to time, so I'm not really annoyed, just wondering if there was some problem I did with installing Beryl... but all the functionality is there (the cube desktop is AWESOME, I hope the new project maintains this slickness!)

                        Another question (sort of throws back to NTFS mount thing, but not really):

                        I'm a big fan of the whole shortcut of a dvd or cd I've put in the drive showing up on the desktop. But I find this feature doesn't work with USB devices. I have a nexstar hard drive I'm currently borrowing from my boss for "work-from-home" purposes, but after Kubuntu asks me what I want to do with the device (and I select "view in folder" or whatever that option is) it doesn't show up on the desktop.

                        Throwing back to the episode 2 install I can remember my MP3 player mounting, immediately identified, and then a shortcut on the desktop - I have yet to test the mp3 player this time around, but what is with the inconsistency - is it the peripheral? Or Kubuntu?

