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Error - KDE su

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    Error - KDE su

    The subject line intiates mostly the problem.

    Hello, I am new to the Linux world and essentially the Kubuntu world as well. I am having problems with adjusting date and time/accessing administrator mode resulting in 'Error - KDE su: Su returned with an error'.

    Before I go on after stating exactly my problem it might be helpful if I added another incident regarding the install of Kubuntu. I tried to install Kubuntu on the same machine and create a dual boot scenario. Something went terribly wrong and I can't load Windows XP. Regardless of that, I will try to reinstall both Windows and Kubuntu. If that has anything to do with the error, then I guess you should let me know. If not, ask me to release any more information needed to help you to help me. Thank you, to whoever might help me!

    and Happy Holidays!

    Re: Error - KDE su

    have you enabled root account? KDEsu get's broken when you enable root account.
    <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(


      Re: Error - KDE su

      Originally posted by Nirvana
      have you enabled root account? KDEsu get's broken when you enable root account.
      No. So KDEsu is broken?


        Re: Error - KDE su

        in a konsole write

        sudo kcontrol
        kdesu kcontrol

        this will open the control centre with full root permissions ...


          Re: Error - KDE su

          Originally posted by Gezzer
          in a konsole write

          sudo kcontrol
          kdesu kcontrol

          this will open the control centre with full root permissions ...
          I'll try that out.


            Re: Error - KDE su

            I'm having the same problem as this guy and when I put in kdesu kcontrol, I get the same Su returned with error.

