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[SOLVED] Where are Apps installed - when using Synaptic or Adept?

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    [SOLVED] Where are Apps installed - when using Synaptic or Adept?

    I may change my forum name to "Mr. Questions". I did a search but didn't find anything relevant.

    Under WinXP when I would install a program it would put it in crogram files. Using Kubuntu where are the apps installed by default? I ask because I have installed a number of apps using Adept and Synaptic. Some of them show up in my Kmenu under the appropriate section, others do not and I assume I have to manually find them and then run whatever the Linux equivalent for a .exe file is.

    Re: Where are Apps installed - when using Synaptic or Adept?

    Originally posted by ixoye777
    I may change my forum name to "Mr. Questions". I did a search but didn't find anything relevant.

    Under WinXP when I would install a program it would put it in crogram files. Using Kubuntu where are the apps installed by default? I ask because I have installed a number of apps using Adept and Synaptic. Some of them show up in my Kmenu under the appropriate section, others do not and I assume I have to manually find them and then run whatever the Linux equivalent for a .exe file is.
    Type the name of the program in konsole and you will run it without searching

    Most program executables are located in /usr/bin
    Join the dark side<br />---------------------------------------------------------------------<br />Samsung NC10 netbook running<br />PCLinuxOS 2010 // Win XP


      Re: Where are Apps installed - when using Synaptic or Adept?

      Originally posted by ixoye777
      I may change my forum name to "Mr. Questions"
      Nice try

      Originally posted by ixoye777
      Adept and Synaptic
      Just to add some background information: both Adept and Synaptic are mere graphical frontends to the "one and only" package manager (officially known as dpkg/apt) actually working on your Linux system.

      Add.: when searching for an installed but somehow "hidden" application, in the last resort, you could launch Synaptic, search for the package in question and make use of the "list of installed files" this interface kindly offers


        Re: Where are Apps installed - when using Synaptic or Adept?

        Originally posted by ixoye777
        Under WinXP when I would install a program ...
        OK, you're struggling to make a transition/translation from the operating system you know (and hate) to the one that is new and strange. Having more or less completed that transition recently, I will advise you as follows:

        1. The only really important concept, with regard to "locations" is that your data are in /home/Mr. Questions, and the operating system and apps are elsewhere scattered under the "/" or "root" directory. It is most advisable to install your /home directory on a separate hard drive partition, so your data is never put at risk by breakages or the need to re-install the OS.

        2. The rest of what you knew about Windows is useless in Linux -- might as well just fuggetaboutit.

        Two cents' worth ....


          Re: Where are Apps installed - when using Synaptic or Adept?

          Excellent, that all makes sence. Thanks for the info and advice.


            Re: Where are Apps installed - when using Synaptic or Adept?

            Originally posted by dibl
            1. The only really important concept, with regard to "locations" is that your data are in /home/Mr. Questions, and the operating system and apps are elsewhere scattered under the "/" or "root" directory. It is most advisable to install your /home directory on a separate hard drive partition, so your data is never put at risk by breakages or the need to re-install the OS.
            I second that, best thing I did when I first installed Kubuntu: my 6.10 to 7.04 upgrade borked and I needed to use a LiveCD to re-install Kubuntu, and was so pleased to see all my data safely protected in /home


              Re: Where are Apps installed - when using Synaptic or Adept?

              Originally posted by Bolly
              was so pleased to see all my data safely protected in /home
              Yep, and as a side benefit, your applications settings are all preserved there too, so after you re-install the OS and your packages, they are all ready to work just as you are used to seeing them! 8)

