not sure what happen but when i go to boot up it acts like its gonna load then I see this how can i fix it!
Can't open /etc/default/rcs error '/etc/int.d/rc exited outside the expected codeflow
init rcs main process 2425 terminted with satus 2 cant open etc/defualt/rcs
/etc/init/d/rg exited outside the expected code flow
init rc2 main process terminated with stattus 2
Can't open /etc/default/rcs error '/etc/int.d/rc exited outside the expected codeflow
init rcs main process 2425 terminted with satus 2 cant open etc/defualt/rcs
/etc/init/d/rg exited outside the expected code flow
init rc2 main process terminated with stattus 2