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Please Help!

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    Please Help!

    not sure what happen but when i go to boot up it acts like its gonna load then I see this how can i fix it!

    Can't open /etc/default/rcs error '/etc/int.d/rc exited outside the expected codeflow

    init rcs main process 2425 terminted with satus 2 cant open etc/defualt/rcs
    /etc/init/d/rg exited outside the expected code flow
    init rc2 main process terminated with stattus 2

    Re: Please Help!

    Translating the error message back to English, what it's trying to tell you is that the program that starts up Linux (It's called Upstart) can't read a very important file, specifically "/etc/default/rcS" (notice the CaPiTaLIZation). When you're talking to a computer (or vice versa) spelling and punctuation count! /etc/default/rcS sets some variables (tells Upstart some things) that Upstart needs to know. The irony is that, unless you have some kind of a "weird" setup (like you're dual booting, and your hardware clock keeps getting reset by windoze), none of those variables have to be changed.

    I'm inclined to think, though, that this message is a symptom of a much deeper problem. Did you download the iso, did you get it from Shipit, or buy it? Are you using the "Desktop" CD? Did you try to use it as a live CD before installing? Did it work? Did you check the MD5SUM of the iso, before burning it? Did you check the md5sums of all the programs on the disk before trying to using it?

    If you have no idea what I'm talking about, START HERE. then don't do anything until you READ THIS and, especially THIS. Pay attention to these instructions. In case you haven't figured it out yet, I fear that your installation is "fouled" up, and so I'm trying to see whether your installation disk is any good. If it was, we can try to figure out what went wrong.


      Re: Please Help!

      acutally its been going fine for months now last night i ran a program to clean up unused files cleansweep or something like that i cant remember the name off hand it checked for 2 of the same file emtpy files etc to delete after i ran this and got rid of a buncha stuff this happen All my stuff is sitll there as I hav e checked it in the console just need to know how to fix it somehow!


        Re: Please Help!

        Originally posted by John_A
        Oh, oh ... is there a list of the removed files available?
        (I dare say that you have cleaned up way too much.)


          Re: Please Help!

          no list there was a bunch of files there but this rcS file is all I seem to be getting a error on is there anyway to just like copy it from a cd and replace it?


            Re: Please Help!

            this rcS file is all I seem to be getting a error on
            At least that's the only spectacular glitch you've noticed, so far.
            is there anyway to just like copy it from a cd and replace it?
            No, but here it is:
            # /etc/default/rcS
            # Default settings for the scripts in /etc/rcS.d/
            # For information about these variables see the rcS(5) manual page.
            # This file belongs to the "initscripts" package.
            Note: as I mentioned previously, you may have to change UTC to yes, if you find your time switching back and forth when you switch from Linux to windoze.


              Re: Please Help!

              Can you please explain how I might recreate this file in command line?


                Re: Please Help!

                Today I followed the info found here and created another /home Now if I use the live cd to reinstall and then use my /home will this fix my problems? if so how do i need to go about reinstalling and it wont muck up my new /home


                  Re: Please Help!

                  If you followed Aysiu's instructions accurately, you should now have a /home directory that shouldn't be overwritten when you re-install the OS. However, just in case, I would STRONGLY suggest that you save EVERYTHING in your /home partition either on a removable drive or on removable media (CDs or DVDs). You should do this as often as you can in any case.

                  You can now re-install into your (now smaller) original partition. You have two choices with regard to the /home that the new installation is going to make. You could let it overwrite your new home partition and then recover everything from the backup of your pre-re-installation /home. Or, you could let the system make a NEW /home directory on the / partition. You would then need to add or edit one line in your /etc/fstab file to re-activate your /home partition in place of the new one on the root (/) partition generated by the new installation. Just make sure that your username and password are the same.

                  There are arguments in favor of both courses of action. The first is probably easier. The second is probably a little bit safer, but because of the use of UUIDs in Feisty it might be a bit tricky. I'm lazy, so I'd do it the easy way, because I would still have my backup, no matter how many times, I screwed up the installation.


                    Re: Please Help!

                    will the cd i have from shipit work for this? or do i need the alternate cd?


                      Re: Please Help!

                      I assume that what you got from Shipit is the Desktop (live & install) CD. If I recall correctly, that DOES give you a choice of where to put things, if so, you can use it. If not, you may have to download and burn the alternate install CD. Please follow the advice I gave about checking both the download and the burn before trying to use the CD, if you do have to get the Alternate.

                      And, please, please, please backup your /home directory tree to an offline medium before you start.


                        Re: Please Help!

                        Ok thank you very much i'll report back!


                          Re: Please Help!

                          also how can i back up if I dont have a way to get to my cd burning software?


                            Re: Please Help!

                            Originally posted by John_A
                            also how can i back up if I dont have a way to get to my cd burning software?
                            You can create a back up partition on your hard drive and back things up to it. SystemRescueCD gparted that can modify/resize existing partitions and then use partimage (on same CD) to make an image of the partition.
                            Registered Linux User: 450747<br />Registered Ubuntu User: 16269


                              Re: Please Help!

                              well just wanted to update I reinstalled using the ubuntu cd by mistake but I used it anyway it worked I now on my desktop have a drive icon of my old /home account now all I have to do is update to kde link my old /home in the fstab and I'll be back! Thanks so much!

